


En matière d’écologie, il faut toujours avoir conscience de trois principes fondamentaux avant même de commencer tout débat :


Maintenant que tout le monde est d’accord, nous pouvons avancer.

Aujourd’hui, j’aimerais vous parler d’un problème qui vous a forcément concerné à un moment donné, et vous concernera encore… les couches jetables.

Vous vous demandez, c’est quoi le problème avec les couches jetables ? Eh bien justement, elles sont jetables.

Lorsque l’on devient parent, on ne pense plus qu’à une seule chose, le bien-être de son enfant. Or, il est mondialement admis que courir nu avec du cacanounet et du pipi qui coule le long des jambes de votre enfant, aussi mignon soit-il par ailleurs, est assez mal accepté. Pour éviter ce genre de désagréments, l’humanité a depuis toujours inventé des systèmes de récupération  des déjections des bébés jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient en âge de dire « papaaaaa pipiiiiii ».

Inventées en 1961 par Procter et Gamble (déjà eux), les couches jetables ont considérablement changé la vie des mères au foyer qui passaient le plus clair de leur temps (pas libre) à nettoyer les langes sales de leurs adorables chérubins. Cette invention, qui n’a l’air de rien, fut une avancée majeure dans lute de la Femme contre son asservissement aux tâches ménagères.  Et ça, c’est un sacré bon point pour la couche jetable !

Mais, hélas, le bilan environnemental de la couche jetable est assez mauvais. Pensez donc, entre sa naissance et le moment où il sera propre, votre bébé souillera entre 5000 et 6000 couches, qui finiront toutes à la poubelle. Pour

Il faut 87kg de pétrole brut pour fabriquer toutes les couches jetables qu’utilisera votre bébé entre sa naissance et le moment où il sera propre.

créer l’ensemble de ces couches, il faudra environ 4,5 arbres pour la cellulose, et autour de 87 kg de pétrole brut pour créer le plastique qu’elles contiennent. L’agent absorbant de la couche jetable est également un produit chimique, le polyacrylate de sodium, qui peut tout de même stocker 100 fois son volume de liquide… impressionnant ! Mais, comble de l’ironie, il est tellement efficace que les parents laissent les couches sales en place plus longtemps ce qui irrite les fesses du bébé.

Toute cette matière première et ces avancées technologiques pour une durée de vie du produit qui dépasse rarement les trois ou quatre heures.




Il faut 4,5 arbres pour créer la cellule des 2500 couches de votre enfant. Note : Aucun zozio n’a été maltraité pour cette illustration.

Et, plus embêtant encore, une fois la couche jetée, elle mettra plusieurs siècles à se dégrader totalement (entre 300 et 500 ans selon les estimations). Par conséquent, les décharges regorgent de couches qui s’accumulent pour les siècles à venir… Autant le dire, c’est pas jo-jo.

Pour vous donner une idée du volume d’encombrement créer par les couches, dites-vous qu’une couche sale fait environ 5 cm d’épaisseur. Si on empilait toutes les couches d’un seul enfant les unes sur les autres, on obtiendrait une tour de 270 mètres de haut… soit 80% de la hauteur de la tour Eiffel !

Les couches jetables représenteraient entre 40 et 50 % du volume des ordures ménagères d’un foyer.


Les couches jetables représentent 40% des ordures ménagères d’un foyer.






Alors que faire ma bonne Lucette ?

Il existe aujourd’hui un mouvement, que dis-je, une véritable secte de parents au regard flamboyant qui ne jure que par les couches lavables.

Je parle de secte parce que les parents qui utilisent ce système sont intimement convaincus qu’il va permettre de changer le monde, que les oiseaux vont courir dans les champs et que les papillons vont gazouiller dans les arbres*. Bref, que la Terre sera enfin débarrassée de son problème de couches qui puent et qui polluent.

*Ceci est une caricature.

Qu’est-ce qu’une couche lavable ?

Il s’agit de la version moderne du lange. Plutôt que d’utiliser une couche en papier/plastique, la couche lavable est une culotte en tissu dont on entoure le séant du dieu bébé. Entre l’orifice de production des déchets (le trou-trou), et la couche il y un insert en papier ou en tissu, c’est-à-dire un genre de lingette qui va absorber les matières sales. Lorsque bébé a livré le gros œuvre, on jette l’insert dans les toilettes (ou on le lave), on en place un nouveau dans la couche et c’est reparti mon kiki !

Inévitablement, la partie en tissue finira par être sale, et plutôt que de la jeter, il faudra la laver. D’ailleurs, d’où le terme de couche lavable… Je précise, juste au cas où vous n’auriez pas encore fait le rapprochement. Sait-on jamais.

Mais, justement, le problème des couches lavables c’est qu’il faut les laver ! Pendant des années, le principal argument des afficionados du lavable est que c’est un produit plus écologique (terme flou) que la couche jetable parce qu’il nécessite moins de ressources à sa création, qu’on ne les jette pas et que le coton c’est vachement biodégradable.

Tout ça est rigoureusement exact. Sauf que oui… mais non.

Une étude conduite en 2005, puis mise à jour et confirmée en 2008, réalisée par l’agence de l’environnement du Royaume-Uni, a prouvé qu’il n’y a strictement aucun bénéfice environnemental à utiliser des couches lavables par rapport aux couches jetables traditionnelles. (source :

Scandal ? Un peu mon n’veu ! Le problème, c’est que le lavage de ces couches est si fréquent, qu’il nécessite une telle quantité d’eau, d’énergie, de détergent, voire de séchage en machine, qu’au final le bilan carbone est tout aussi mauvais.

Mais, hélas, ce n’est pas tout. Comme le dit parfaitement bien Karmai dans son article pertinent, le temps c’est de l’argent, or laver des couches prend du temps… et donc coûte de l’argent. Si vous êtes femme (ou homme) au foyer, pas de souci vous n’avez que ça à faire non (humour) ? Mais si vous avez un travail, alors il se pourrait bien que laver ces couches vous fasse perdre du temps précieux et donc de l’argent par la même occasion ! C’est ce qu’on appelle le coût d’opportunité, et pour bien comprendre le principe, je vous invite à lire l’article en question.

En clair, la couche lavable c’est pas la solution miracle, même s’il faut reconnaître que dans certaines situations (mère au foyer), l’économie budgétaire est conséquente. Il faut compter autour de 500 euros en tout pour les couches lavables (couches + inserts + produits de lavage + eau + électricité), alors que les couches jetables font grimper la facture à 2500 euros !

Enfin, pour être tout à fait complet, il faut reconnaître que le système des couches lavables devient une réelle alternative moins polluante lorsque vous utilisez un système de ramassage et de lavage des couches collectif. Ce système encore très peu développé en France, permet de mutualiser les ressources nécessaires pour le lavage et vous libère de cette corvée. Mais ce service est loin d’être gratuit, il faudra vous acquitter de la modique somme de 50 à 80 euros par mois selon les formules.

Couches biodégradables : la solution du moins pire !

Couches lavables et couches jetables, c’est un peu le même combat. On déplace simplement le curseur pollution d’un endroit à un autre.

Les couches biodégradables, elles, sont peut-être la solution la moins pire.

Une couche biodégradable, qu’est-ce que c’est ?

Il s’agit d’une couche jetable composée en plus ou moins grande partie de matière renouvelable dont le temps de décomposition est très rapide (en comparaison avec les couches jetables classiques). Certaines couches sont même compostables, c’est vous dire !

Mais attention, l’ensemble des couches du marché ne sont que partiellement biodégradables ! En général, la part de recyclable dans la couche tourne entre 40 et 60 % selon les modèles. Il n’existe qu’une seule marque, à ma connaissance, qui produise une couche recyclable à 90 % c’est « Douce Confort », et elle n’est disponible que sur internet… ce qui n’est pas génial niveau CO2.

La méthode de fabrication d’une couche biodégradable utilise moins de produits chimiques, nécessite moins d’énergie fossile (mais en nécessite malgré tout), et utilise beaucoup moins de produits chimiques pour la zone absorbante ce qui permet d’éviter les irritations des petites fesses potelées de votre bébé.

Les couches biodégradables sont méconnues pour plusieurs raisons, d’abord elles ne sont pas toujours dans les rayonnages. D’après mon expérience personnelle, j’en ai trouvé chez Leclerc, Carrefour ou encore Monoprix.
Mais surtout, elles souffrent d’un problème d’image puisque généralement ce qui est meilleur pour l’environnement est moins bon pour votre portefeuille. Or, il se trouve qu’avec ce produit ça n’est pas le cas !

Une couche biodégradable coûte le même prix qu’une couche jetable classique ! Mieux encore, la marque de couches bio de chez Leclerc à un prix unitaire moins élevé que les Pampers ! L’argument budgétaire n’entre donc pas en ligne de compte.

Dernier frein des parents, l’impression que ces couches sont moins efficaces. J’en utilise depuis plusieurs mois maintenant et j’ai testé 4 ou 5 marques différentes. Bilan : quasiment aucune fuite ! La capacité d’absorption de la couche bio est identique à celui de la couche classique. Il y a toujours quelques accidents, mais rien d’inhabituel .

À mon sens, la couche biodégradable est donc la meilleure solution (bien qu’imparfaite) disponible à ce jour pour commencer à résoudre le problème environnemental de la couche-culotte.

La solution parfaite n’existe pas, mais les solutions moins pires, oui.

Sauvez la planète, utilisez des couches biodégradables !
Ou alors, n’utilisez pas de couches du tout… Mais ça, c’est un autre débat.

Et vous, vous utilisez quoi comme couches ?


Tags : bilan carbonnecouches jetablescouches jetables biodégradablescouches lavablesdossierécologiejournalistelove and greenmon papa est un geekmonpapaestungeek.frmots d'enfants naturepampers

The author Nicolas

Nicolas est un papa, Nicolas est un geek, Nicolas est un papa geek ! Mais aussi journaliste, et photographe professionnel.


  1. Alors la, je me leve et je confirme ! Je partage totalement et completement votre analyse! et je l’explique à chaque fois qu’on me dit « ah ! tu n’utilise pas de couches lavables ??? » … ggrrrr! Vous avez 100% raison dans votre raisonnement et peu de gens en ont conscience (Sans compter, que je connais des bébé aux couches lavables qui ont fait de sacrées réactions et érythème fessier).
    Bref, moi, j’ai testé les couches jetables « bios » Naty ainsi que Moltex. Naty est bien mais je recommande chaudement Moltex ! Je les achete en grand nombre sur internet (moins chères et livrées à domicile ou au boulot!). Bravo pour votre post ! a bientot !

  2. Les lavables ne polluent pas plus ça ce n’est pas vrai…. il faut se méfier des soit disant « études » … elles ne sont pas toutes neutres ni dépourvues de sens, surtout si elles sont en partie ou totalement financées par des « géants » pour qui le résultat en leur faveur ne serait pas négligeable au niveau des retombées économiques ….. (on a déjà vu des grosses entreprises pollueuses financer ce genre de comparatif … je vous laisse deviner le résultat ….. cqfd …. !
    Je ne sais pas comment font les autres, mais moi par exemple, je met ma demi douzaine de couches quotidienne en même temps que le reste de ma lessive déjà quotidienne ( on est 5 à la maison, alors de toutes façons je fais une machine par jour … !) Ca ne change rien du tout, tout ce petit monde cohabite trés bien et se lave trés bien, …. !
    De plus, avec les nouvelles machines à laver, il y a moins de gaspillage d’eau, les machines savent doser toutes seules le poids du linge pour évaluer la quantité d’eau …
    Mais je vous rassure, je ne suis pas maso, lorsque je sors, pars en vacances ou même les nuits, j’utilise occasionnellement les jetables. Il n’y a pas que la question du « bien pensant » écologique là dedans, faut voir aussi son porte monnaie, et alors là, j’vous parle même pas de l’économie, ça, elle est bien réelle, merci !

  3. Cette étude anglaise se base sur plusieurs scenarii d’utilisation des couches lavables: un scenario « mauvaise pratique »( qui a un impacte plus mauvais sur l’environnement que les jetables)
    un scenario « pratique de base » ( impacte environnemental équivalent aux jetables)
    et un scenario « bonne pratique » ( là l’impacte environnemental est nettement meilleur en utilisant des lavables. vous trouverez le détaille de ces 3 scenarii sur ce lien:
    En france, les parents qui choisissent les couches lavables le font en majorité pour des raisons écologiques, l’économie est la cerise sur le gateau, l’argument qui en font des gens « raisonnables » puisque l’argent est censé guider nos modes d’achats. Le plus souvent ces parents ont une utilisation des couches lavables qui va au delà du scenario » bonnes pratique » ( trempage avec l’eau du bain, lavage régulier en dessous de 60 degrès, beaucoup mélangent les couches avec le reste du linge. Ces pratiques pourraient bien sûr être améliorer en développant des centrales de lavage. Beaucoup de ville commencent à y songer; et oui la réglementation des structures d’accueil( crèches) a changé, celle-ci vont devoir fournir les changes des enfants accueillis, et comme les lavables sont beaucoup moin chers les municipalités et structures privés pensent de plus en plus à utiliser des lavables; d’autant plus que le ramassage des déchets tend à être facturé en fonction du poid…. et oui l’argent est plus éfficace pour faire changer les choses que les idées et le militantisme de  » gentils écolos ». En tout cas avec une même étude les conclusions peuvent être différentes, tout dépend quel intéret nous défendons…

  4. En tout cas j’adhère aux trois principes de bases qui commencent l’article; et il est vrai que les couches biodégradables sont une alternative… en complément des lavables 😉

    1. Que yo conozca, en el Código Penal existe un delito de "acusación y denuncia falsas" (456 CP) y el de "falso testimonio" (457 CP). Pero me temo que "gracias" a la Ley "integral" contra la violencia de género (incorrección: las personas tenemos sexo, no género), estos preceptos dejarán de ser aplicados si quienes han perpetrado semejante aborto de ley siguen donde están y no son sustituidos por personas sensatas.

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    6. J’y pense : j’ai une réclamation à adresser aux correcteurs au sujet de leur Atelier diktée du week-end.La question sur les couleurs est si longue… que je me suis retrouvé compté comme une erreur avant d’avoir eu le temps de répondre ! Le temps de décaler légèrement la fenêtre pour voir les trois propositions, puis de les lire attentivement — et il était trop tard pour cliquer sur la bonne.Ce système de délai limité ne s’accommode pas de phrases longues à 4 termes sensibles.

    7. A very timely article. Gursikhs who lead a Gurmukh’s life should be incharge of Gurudwaras. Only they can resist anti sikh propaganda by atheist elements that have crept into sikhism. There is infiltration of ex communists in sikhi and they are the one who are doing anti sikh propaganda.Darshan singh is a typical example of akirtghan who ate from panth all his life and now turned traitor and condemning sikh scriptures.

    8. A chaque fois, tes recettes sont féériques. On sent presque une âme d’enfant dans ce que tu réalises. Ces petits bonhommes sont rigolos, je pense que j’en ferai à Noël 😉

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    10. Sorry, Tam. For once, I failed to read the original article. I did not realize the ban included bars. That IS stupid. Smoking and drinking go together. I've been aware of that fact for my whole life. Funny thing is, that's about the only place I can tolerate breathing cigarette smoke for any length of time. For some reason, alcohol seems to moderate my Nicotine allergy.

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    13. Elle est carrément canon cette carte!J'adore ces couleurs tu penses bien hihi! Je vais voir si je fais ce challenge ça pourrait coller avec une carte de naissance que je dois faire!Bisous miss Francine!

    14. I guess I missed the part about why I'm supposed to feel sorry for people who can simply retire early because of changes to their industry. I'm sure millions of Americans wish they could do the same. But they can't, so they continue to work regardless of what changes befall their respective industries. Poor, poor doctors. How sad that they might take early retirements. My heart might bleed for them, but — egads — my cardiologist took early retirement, so that's not an option.

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    47. i was 3rd in the ipl bookie……….bt still i didnt get my prize………..i mailed u my contact details n evrythng that u people asked mer there any prizes to be given???nd also i was 19th in the t20 world cup season……….

    48.  |   |   |   |   |  Y’all remember those cows near my school? And remember that big pile of rubble that used to be where the school’s foundation is? Some sort of vegetation growing on the rubble and now it turns out that cows can climb!

    49. I have been exploring for a little for any high quality articles or blog posts in this sort of area . Exploring in Yahoo I eventually stumbled upon this web site. Studying this information So i am glad to convey that I’ve an incredibly just right uncanny feeling I discovered exactly what I needed. I so much indubitably will make certain to don?t overlook this web site and provides it a glance regularly.

    50. Fantastic piece, thank you, such an important point of learning for me, a Yes guy! I would also suggest the great power of saying when applicable “I don’t know” and reserve the right to be uncertain while you listen in to hear the inner wisdom. Or “I don’t know yet” if that is more diplomatic.[]

    51. Derzeitige AuffassungSozialstaat——————————–mehr Geld für reiche!doppelte pensionen als rentner!diätenerhöhung trotz krise !Bewährung für promi und wirtschaftskriminelle !!!!!!!“Die Regierung “Dieter Uhrmeister

    52. LOVE your costume! You are so creative, Lady! And don’t worry – no judging about reading the Hunger Games here! Everyone in our house over the age of 9 read it and loved it. We too have a colossal dress up box, it comes in handy all the time!Keep on looking fabulous while embarrassing your tween, you rock!Hannah recently posted..

    53. I’ve recently started a blog, the info you offer on this website has helped me greatly. Thank you for all of your time & work. “The man who fights for his fellow-man is a better man than the one who fights for himself.” by Clarence Darrow.

    54. You mean 1973, for the Yom Kippur war?And "shrub" was unequivocally better at getting members of the armed forces killed. Not to mention good at driving independent voters away from the GOP, this one permanently.

    55. básicamente lo q intenta hace el presidente es comprar su silencio y q se queden quietos??? cree de verdad q después de perder a un hijo así eso puede ser posible?? ni si quiera le puede sostener la mirada…sabe perfectamente lo q tiene q hacer y no tiene los huevos para hacerlo q coraje me da haber votado por ese hijo de….perdón por el lenguaje pero realmente me llegaron las palabras de esta mujer

    56. karen12-17-2009 viva the cristian core wiii la vdd yo fui satanica y es una completa estupides solo es jente con problemas o qe los violaron de chiqitos y no sabes qe aser para desqitarse de la vida pero amigos la vdd vean a su alrededor Dios existe es mas real incluso qe la silla en la qe estas sentado a cualqier lado donde voltees hay esta el y hay seguira aga satanas lo qe aga el de su trono no se va a caer DIOS TE AMO¡¡ de vdd ballan a su presnesia y veran de lo qe les ablo nosean cobardes y prueven de vdd pongan a prueva a Dios y veran qe les cambiara la vida

    57. Video ilk yüklendiğinde tabloda ve video başlığında Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 yazıyodu. Sonradan düzeltildi. Benim yorumlarım Tab 2 10.1′ için yapılmıştı.Ama işin asıl komik yanı, videoyu izledim bitirdim ve tanıtılan cihazın tab değilde note olduğunu fakat yazıların yanlış girildiğini tahmin dahi edecek kadar bilgi edinemedim.Gerçekten şaka gibi video

    58. / As 7 músicas que fazem parte da lista de reprodução Hits do verão no Youtube da dupla João Neto e Frederico são: “Lê Lê Lê”, “Tá Combinado”, “Bará Berê” (Marcos e Fernando e João Neto e Frederico), “Tô Morando Sozinho”, “A Nossa Música”, “Vai Ter Balanga”, e “Minha Herança”.GD Star Ratingloading…

    59. Олько БілийЛюди, скільки можна плакати про те що нам чи вам щось дає чи не дає держбюджет? Хочете знімати кіно-знімайте, – хоч на побутову відеокамеру,але знімайте, хочете озвучувати чи адаптувати стрічки- робіть це. от і все. Петиції ні до Януковича ні до Господа Бога нічого не дадуть коли просто стукати по клавіатурі замість працювати .

    60. Na Idade Média decapitavam-nos, mas apareciam logo outros, o que só prova que hoje não vale a pena decapitá-los.O que é um facto intemporal é que as diferentes legitimidades se sucedem em cascata. Se o poder se deslegitima a montante, essa deslegitimação propaga-se até que a jusante dá lugar a crimes (ilegítimos, é claro, caso contrário não seriam crimes).No fundo, é como a máxima do Brecht sobre o rio e as margens…

    61. Without doing any googling: (1) Burnley FC (2) Spurs: Robbie Keane? (3) West Brom(4) Manchester Utd Vs Arsenal (5)Inter did not win a corner (6)Uefa Cup(7)Nottingham Forest (8)Bolton Wanderers (9)Singing of the national anthem in finals? (10)Swansea City (11)Blackpool (12)Sheffield Wednesday

    62. I, too, am inspired to try tupperware containers with our next take-away. Although I wonder how much fun their lives are as much of their everyday seems to be focussed on not accepting or making any garbage. It might kind of take the fun out of life, y’know?My bag update: I accepted 4 plastic bags from a neighbour/friend to use as garbage bags because we were nearly out. Doest that count?

    63. DeZoSSeuR dit :moi je lui aurai mis un peux plus quand même, au moins les 500 millions, 30 millions de plus se n’est pas si énorme…^^

    64. Ma questa è una cosa gravissima segno di incompetenza e scarso amore e rispetto per le cose si fanno e il territorio in cui si opera.Ma che aspettano a levarsi questi scenziati e fare piazza pulita di incapaci?Una vigna è sacra come la campagna tutta.

    65. Vậy là IOU nha. Khi nào gặp chị sẽ tính sao…hehe. Đang chùi camera/lens chuẩn bị cho mùa bông Anh Đào..

    66. REPRESENT! (There's more of us out there than the spelling & grammar on the Internet (and roadside signs) would lead one to think…) And hi! Thanks for reading!

    67. Je ne crois pas que Murray ait l’étoffe d’un futur grand mais je peux me tromper.Je trouve son coup droit souvent bizarre sauf, curieusement, quand il doit le lâcher en bout de course.Mais c’est peut-être l’imitation de Dolgo après le 1/4, il saute souvent aussi.

    68. I just clicked over and read the article. I didn’t realize that Jeff Koons invented the balloon animal?! How ridiculous.My vote is for orange…bright and cheery. And now I want my own set of balloon animal bookends!

    69. Folks – I’m going to play moderator for a moment. This post isn’t about Google, nor about Goole Reader. Those are both irrelevant here, and the discussion about Google Reader is especially out of place as it’s completely opinion based – Google Reader is still online, still functioning, and some people still like it very much. Some people don’t, which is fine, but that’s arguing about a redesign which has nothing to do with the political aspects of Facebook. Thanks.

    70. The Government is insidiously undermining the infrastructure of Liberty with its special brand of 'Change' designed to 'exchange' liberty for despotism! The Constitution is a safeguard against the infringement of people's rights and freedoms. If it is not upheld in the halls of power, the Government is guilty of legalised criminality! Thomas Jefferson's words are ominously significant … 'When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; When the government fears the people, there is liberty'.

    71. Esta cancion es muy trizte pero es la realidad yo quisiera que nuestro pais cambie,que haya mas seguridad. si algo pudiera hacer para cambiar esta situacion realmente lo haria…[]

    72. Good write-up, I am normal visitor of one’s website, maintain up the nice operate, and It’s going to be a regular visitor for a long time. “Time has a wonderful way of weeding out the trivial.” by Howard Aiken.

    73. Hy…klo kie mah simpel ja,cw manis ky teteh tu g pantes g pke pngaman.(mksdnya g da yg menjaganya).he…he…te2h smanis ni lbh baek pke jilbab ja spy ga da yg gngguin.kecuali klo mo d jagain ma dickie mah.he…he…Boleh numpang promosi g?ak lajang lho umur br 20 (msh muda kan)02291699764…bwt teteh saskia d tnggu y tlpnyaSalam manis…

    74. Not often do I encounter a blog that’s both educated and entertaining, and let me let you know, you’ve hit the nail on the head. Your idea is excellent; the problem is something that not enough people are talking intelligently about. I am very comfortable that I stumbled across this in my quest for info relating to this.

    75. For jean:Actually, that is VERY easy to understand. Islam is a Socialist dream. They merely think they will be able to control it once it HAS taken over. And SOMEONE will indeed control it. Just as they currently do in Iran, and other such states. Or do you REALLY think the Iranian leadership lives the Life of Islam?

    76. Is there a straightforward way to incorporate the Android GAT SDK into a project that we're building with Maven? We've managed to avoid hard-coding jar files in /libs directories for everything else!

    77. I have these shorts nd just so everyone knows, the silver wears off really easy, I’ve only wore them once and most the silver on the inseam has given way to white.

    78. Muszę przyznać, że nie jadłam i na oczy manioku nie widziałam. Ale nasze ziemniaki też w sumie można jeść na słodko, więc wszystko jestem sobie w stanie wyobrazić.

    79. Dobrý den, tak jsem provedl 3D sveho po 2D mlecne zakaleneho kvasu. Destilat zustal i po 3D mlecne zakaleny, ale uplne minimalne, kdybych vedle toho nemel postavenou uplne cistou koralku, tak by asi zakaleni ani nebylo na prvni pohled patrne. Destilat jsem jimal do 56% alkoholu.Otazka je, jestli to mam nechat na piti nebo jestli to radeji mam vyhodit. Pri 3D jsem z 9 litru "lutru" odebral 0,5 l predkapu. Jadro je 2 litry o sile 69%. Diky za radu.

    80. The days are long, but the years are short. I don’t want to miss them! For more short and sweet ideas on how to stop and smell the roses, to enjoy the little things in life, check out my 31 Days to Smell the Roses series.

    81. Demeur – I have been reading about that. Dupont seem to be a pretty malicious company.I got on their Website, Get this:Founded in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for people everywhere. Operating in more than 70 countries, Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.

    82. *writes sugar-free pudding on grocery list*Oh, hey Donk. Does tapioca make it feel better? You know, like little genital warts beads for texture?

    83. Αυριανιστή,σβήσε το τσιγάρο σου,τέλειωσε και τον καφέ σου,και πιάσε δουλειά.Ο κόσμος περιμένει να εξυπηρετηθεί.Μέχρι τις 2 που εργάζεσαι δε θα προλάβεις.Εγώ είμαι άνεργος και έχω πιο πολύ χρόνο από εσένα,αλλά δεν αμοίβομαι όσο κάθομαι, σε αντίθεση με εσένα.Κι αν σε αδικώ..συγχώρεσέ με αλλά αυτά τα συμπεράσματα έχω βγάλει.

    84. Keep up the great piece of work, I read few blog posts on this website and I think that your web site is very interesting and has circles of superb information.

    85. I bet you were hoping for a bit more . You were hoping for something that you could copy/ paste and save time with. Well, sorry, but it usually doesn’t work like that The problem with sending out emails is that your contacting individuals. And every individual is different, and therefore requires a different approach. Sure, there are things that you can either automate or templatize, but this is pretty difficult with link requests in general. In most cases, using email templates will result in a significantly lower success or link conversion rate.

    86. L’intimidazione come forma di controllo sociale e dell’informazione è tipica dei regimi autoritari.Non è buon segno che un’autorità istituzionale confonda il discutere pubblicamente dei problemi che riguardano tutti e le critiche al suo operato con la diffamazione personale.Tutta la mia solidarietà a Paolo Scattoni e Marco Lorenzoni.

    87. Some really excellent information, Sword lily I observed this. “It’s not only the most difficult thing to know one’s self, but the most inconvenient.” by Josh Billings.

    88. Great suggestions! I’ll have to ask E. (I know she prefers being anonymous) but would love to see her on a panel! The link didn’t work, is there another?

    89. Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.

    90. I’m sure the main reason is for controversy. They don’t want to look insensitive or deal with angry letters/calls/emails. I understand why they would decide to not air the episodes until later on. Back in the day, The WB (now CW) exempted an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer due to the Columbine shootings and aired it later in the season. It does happen once in a while, and as long as the episode is set to air eventually, what’s the real harm? I don’t see any.Now, not to sound insensitive, but I really can’t wait to see this 3-part crossover. lol

    91. As we know labor with love produces good fruits! I hope you get lots of eggs!!! Just want to say hi and hope all is well with you sister! I enjoyed this post!

    92. Hawkin's premise that to believe in the beginning there was God, and God created everything, is the exact opposite of evolution theory. How could everything be created by a God that starts out so complex that it is inconceivable? Basic conclusion I had with a group of like minded kids on the school playground complaining about Sunday school; if God made everything, who made God?

    93. My wife has officially banned me from open houses and house hunting until December 2010. All I have left is to play my time with my downpayment in bonds and Cds. I am officially out of corp bonds so all I am left with is buying Munis when I see a cheap one and CDs, very boring. Hard to talk about real estate when no one is buying or selling and prices are still headed down.

    94. Your Challah Slow-Cooker Stuffing was the number one favorite foood at our ten person dinner. We are a house divided–stuffed or unstuffed bird. After 33 years I found the perfect compromise since I will not stuff the turkey. The slow cooked version was moist, just like if stuffed. Challah was my mother-in law’s bread of choice too. It’s a great idea and I’ve already passed it on to two more people. I appreciated that I didn’t need the oven for this on Thanksgiving day. Thank you.

    95. from periodic protests by market women in major urban areas such as Lagos, there is no doubt that women of the Niger Delta have been the most visible in their struggle against the multinational oil companies and Nigerian

    96. You look like you stepped out of the pages of a 70s fashion mag! I love that look on you – especially that vest. I'm thinking of a million ways to wear that right now – I just love versatile pieces!

    97. and tweeted. (and I think I’m your 2000th twitter follower:)I meal plan religiously, but have a hard time coming up with new recipes, or rotating in a good way. This looks like it will help-and that shopping list will be invaluable! I inevitably forget cilantro. And who wants pico without cilantro? not me!

    98. :c’est ça, j’allais le dire. Et Sarko n’est qu’une victime innocente d’un grand complot médiatico-financier, tant qu’on y est. Enfin.Villepin ne gagnera probablement pas en 2012 (tant mieux, quand on se souvient de son brillant passage à Matignon), mais il peut faire perdre Sarko. Tout comme il a fait perdre Chirac en 1997 avec la dissolution de l’Assemblée. Rien que pour ça, on l’aime bien, allez.

    99. Greg Very useful information!My business has two locations and we’d like to use one Facebook page for both. Is there a workaround to list the information for both locations in the “About” section?

    100. How exciting! Found you by way of runner mom. It definitely looks like a must read! I would be delighted to win a copy and what an exciting time for you. Jackie

    101. Hey,IM looking at a used Nikon SB-600 or the Y565 for use with me nikon D90?DO you have any advice?I have not owned a external flash before.Thanks,Luke

    102. Dear Matt Cutts,I’m writing to you because I don’t know what else I can do.Early this year I trialled Text-Link-Ads as I wasn’t making a lot of money with Adsense and other affiliate programs. What a big mistake. This is the only reason I can come up with to explain why 3 of my sites just fell out of rankings. 1 of them has been completely de-indexed. I have submitted 2 reconsideration requests in the last 5 months, and I’m still waiting for Google to respond. What else can I do?The websites are,, and

    103. I like the helpful info you provide in your articles. I’ll bookmark your blog and check again here frequently. I am quite sure I’ll learn lots of new stuff right here! Good luck for the next!

    104. gordinho do baixaki disse:Controle do Metal Gear 3 muito difícil: Prova cabal que "Leite com Mario" é uma síndrome contagiosa

    105. Ensimmäisen kommentin ehdotus on mainio, kuitenkin ehkä jo liian etäällä alkuperäisestä. Tuttu ja turvallinen tyyli kuitenkin on. Olen mielessäni työstänyt eräänlaista sanasta sanaan -käännöstä, saa nähdä, tuleeko siitä valmista.

    106. legal eu iria adorar conhecer o rio eu e minha familia nao conhecemos a cidade maravilhosa legal por parte da tam de realizar sonhos de pessoas que nao conhecem sucesso tam .

    107. This design is spectacular! You certainly know how to keep a reader entertained. Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my own blog (well, almost…HaHa!) Great job. I really enjoyed what you had to say, and more than that, how you presented it. Too cool!

    108. “Guten Tag,meiner Meinung nach ist die Gefahr des Missbrauches einfach zu hoch. Ich soll meine geschäftlichen Daten ins Netz laden? Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass die erste große negativ Schlagzeile nicht lange auf sich warten lässt. Ansonsten gefällt mir der Blog sehr gut, weiter so!”

    109. Oh, ein eigener Schreibblog. Sehr schön! Das klingt so, als ob du in nächster Zeit auch wieder mehr übers Schreiben bloggen möchtest, was mich schon mal sehr freut!

    110. By November 14, 2012 – 2:31 amfantastic website site…Ever your personal thinking about usually fundamentally saying an excellent few in your articles anytime Document provide a person credit scores together with property additionally no- almost any blog? Great web website perhaps there’s for that same m…

    111. Hiya, I’m really glad I have found this information. Nowadays bloggers publish just about gossips and net and this is actually annoying. A good blog with exciting content, that is what I need. Thank you for keeping this web site, I will be visiting it. Do you do newsletters? Cant find it.

    112. The body weight of your person is handled via the number of ingested calories from fat. The actual less one particular consumes, the more likely it is to lose weight naturally. A unhealthy calories just one consumes will appear reduced if he or she boundaries a great deal how much carbohydrates.

    113. i havent started watching tbl yet, although i do have it recorded. i think i might have gotten burned out last season…2 hour episodes are just too long for me! oh man…that burger doesnt even SOUND good! what a crazy amount of calories for one single meal and you’re right…that doesnt even include fries!

    114. Oh, how miserable! Well, I hope they work wonders. Somewhere, I think I read that you don’t have to go back for removal – that they just eventually fall out. – I don’t know if that’s an urban myth or not.Take care, sweetie!

    115. Oui, tu as raison, les scones sont prêts très rapidement! C’est presque un jeu d’enfant…En tout cas, bravo. Ils sont beaux et d’une magnifique couleur!

    116. Woah, Kobe over 40 points for the 3rd time this year in just 6 games and 99 times in his career! Artest was just great tonight also. Glad the site is back up…

    117. Очень уютная, доброжелательная школа. Ученики отзывчивые и добрые. Учителя в основном справедливыеОчень скучаю по своей школе, а то что дети не хотят учиться, значит родители не привили желание к учебе, вот и всё.

    118. This is just where we’ll have to agree to disagree. But then again, I’m a kooky anarchist haha. I believe that a bad law deserves to be broken just on principle. Thanks again. You’ve been the only dissenting opinion so far and I always appreciate disagreement and discussion.

    119. I’m really intrigued to check out Race To Nowhere. My friend is an AP teacher and she had a syllabus rejected 3 times last fall. I couldn’t believe the standards given how many problems most districts have. Every state is different for sure though. Interesting stuff, Renee.

    120. Con su triunfo de hoy, Gonzalo Villanueva vuelve a tener 1 punto ATP.Por la segunda ronda, pinta como buen partido Renzo contra el tano Travaglia…..

    121. riêng chị và bác tanng đã educate cho đám bọn em nhiều thứ, mà em ko dám chắc có nhiều người hiểu về social media nhÆ° bọn em, sao phải xoắn hả chị? cỡ nhÆ° bác tanng hiểu thị trường hiểu social media và xâu chuá»—i và tổng hợp sắp xếp tốt hÆ¡n nhiều mấy bạn chém gió vô thưởng vô phạt  thatsgood

    122. "So many in Alvord with hateful agenda. Haters who ruin careers and lives. If you had any kind of class about you, you wouldn't be plastering your hate on this blog."8:21 – you obviously haven't read her "blog" or you would be sending her the above message. But then again, maybe using your own children to call attention to your own agenda is what you call "class".

    123. Toy lejoooossss, esto de las entradas programadas te permiten estos lujos de atender en la distancia un poquito el blog, aunque es evidente que la mayoría de compis andamos por ahí, como dice Ayla , la,la,la….

    124. Tenker masse på dere i dag Janne..Håper alt ordner seg for sønnen din.Blir så sint av å høre hvordan dere ikke blir tatt på alvor.Lykke til !God klem fra Anneps.var jo stilig at du traff Ari da..

    125. Ich schon; und zwar oft und gerne!Und keine Butter unter Schinken oder Speck. Dafür gerne nur Butter mit Radieschenscheiben und einer Spur Salz. Und natürlich immer etwas Grünzeug dazu; gerne Gurken. Egal was die alles wissen!

    126. Kirk actually helps the refugees by bringing them back into the focus after Israel and the PA tried to take them out of the equation. Another stupid Zionist whose actions will backfire.

    127. Totally agree! My mom was a teacher for most of her working life and she used to say “Our society needs teachers, good teachers more than anything. But nobody wants to pay them more, including the schools that employ them.” Sad state.Very well written Arundhati and next time I put N into a school, I will check this out

    128. Merhaba,Set up baÅŸlamadan önce, “VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration has been enabled, but it is not operational…” mesajı alıyorum. Bu mesajın altında “devam et” seçeneÄŸini seçiyor devam ediyorum. Ancak sonrasında kurulum baÅŸlıyor fakat saatlerce yükleme ekranında kalıyor ve yüklemeyi tamamlamıyor. Ä°ki farklı bilgisayarda denedim aynı ÅŸekilde durum oluÅŸtu.TeÅŸekkürler.VA:F [1.9.14_1148]please wait…VA:F [1.9.14_1148](from 1 vote)

    129. Jul14 Clare, one is not sick when searching for the truth in God’s word. However, one may be sick when what they think and hope carries greater weight in their mind than God’s word.VA:F [1.9.20_1166](from 2 votes)

    130. This is just not the formerly of your reports I’ve discern, and you only on no account bring to an end to impress me personally. Be grateful a person, and i too glare forward to studying inside future.

    131. DarLol Jordana! I will be using that acronym heavily in the future! Linc, it’s great that you were able to transfer the texting and email chemistry to an in person rapport. Fingers crossed!  

    132. Thank you, Sandra. They are both wonderful stores, i really like the foodand wine floor at Galeries.I have been to Paris a few times, but it was in “pre-perfumista” era

    133. Happy Birthday Laurie. No wonder why they call it King crab, maybe because it is food for royalties. Certainly this is something we cannot afford and the only crab I’ve eaten is crab salad in restaurants where you need a magnifying lens to see the crab. However both the crab and spinach sound great.

    134. Estava a ver o padrão do Porsche de Herr Wolff, e ocorreu-me que é igual ao capacete do seu compatriota Jo Gartner. Mera coincidência?Vê-se que é um homem com paixão pelo automobilismo. E começo a pensar: depois de Mastechitz e agora com Wolff, será que a regeneração do automobilismo vem da Austria?

    135. To respond: I will be making calls about the h.s. coaching openings this week. It’s very hard to get school administrators on the phone this time of year, and nearly impossible during a holiday week. If I wanted to sweep it under the rug I would not have posted it on my blog and left it up there as the top item for two days, but I hope you amused yourself by needling me. I will be following it up this week at the Reebok Camp. My feel about Cheek: Seton Hall has no shot, Rutgers has an outside shot.

    136. Este drept ca la cat de mare este/se preconizeaza sa fie, pot sa adune mai multe profile acolo. Intrebarea este care e procentajul de tehnic si care e procentajul de “filologi” ? Si prin tehnic nu inteleg “programatori” ci oameni cu un background de profil care vor fi “train-uiti” pe zona de suport (vezi in anuntul linkat de la Microsoft “Knowledge in at least one of the following: Operating Systems (Microsoft or Other); Messaging Systems or Database Systems”). Cine are o sursa mai buna si se incumeta sa comenteze si sa ne lumineze

    137. 4d5142ona 26c6b82106When I originally commented I clicked the « Notify me when new comments are added » checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get four emails with the same comment. Is there any way you can remove me from that service? Thanks!22

    138. Liebe Debby,Deine Karte ist ein richtiges Kunstwerk. Herrlich sind die Frösche und die frischen Farben und tollen Blumen passen perfekt!Liebe GrüßeUschi

    139. Their products look really beautiful and unique! I’m off to check it out but wish I lived in NYC – there’s nothing like seeing it all in person! Great lead on a fantastic resource – thanks!

    140. HolaDe antemano agradezco a Google el que nos ayude a detectar sí nuestro sitio tiene codigo dañino, pero tambien es importante que una vez que se resuelva el problema Google revice en corto tiempo o nos informe ¿en que tiempo va a revisar "la Solicitud de revisión"?, para quitarle a los sitios la leyenda "Este sitio puede dañar tu equipo". Gracias.

    141. Ui, da warst du aber schon fleisig in Sachen Weihnachtskarten… Ich gebe ja offen zu, die ein oder andere Kleinigkeit ist auch schon entstanden, traue mich aber noch nicht so recht sie zu zeigen ;o)…Viele liebe Grüßevon der Keksschachtel

    142. Isabelle dit :J’adooooore!Sérieusement, c’est super esthétique, qu’on aime ou pas le style!Tu aurais peut-être dû mentionner sa nouvelle collection qui a débuté il y a quelques jours : des supers sacs en toile, plus faciles à  porter, mais vraiment super original

    143. Looks like you are going to be having some smashing good times ahead! I hate shopping too, I either buy or browse for everything on line so I have to spend as little time shopping for it as possible! I love your pretty card such a cute rainbow scene hugs Rebekah xx

    144. I find this really sad. People should take pride in their home, especially if they want visitors to return. I do not like being seen or treated like a cash-cow.

    145. i never expect miraclesi also did not expect govt owned banks and auto cos/obama tv/endless bailouts to the rich/escalated wars/robbery of the poor/no triage on foreclosures/trillions in bonus checks to rich wms ETC…fyiab

    146. je vous invitais en Haute-Savoie, et plus précisément dans la jolie station des Carroz d’Arâche…. Mais cet été, on range les skis pour découvrir les « ateliers d’éoliennes ». Au

    147. However, electric adjustable beds today can be bought to whatever height you like so this actually does away with the need for adjustable bed risers – take a look right here at our favourite adjustable beds.

    148. Natalia: es lindo saber que dejo en la baba a las personas. Adri: no carecen de fundamentos tus conclusiones, soy una persona superficial y frívola, aunque en honor a la verdad esa no era la intención del escrito, o eso creo, mi subconsciente siempre me arrastra a hacer o escribir cosas que ocultamente levanten mi ego. Jebriel.oz: eso intento.

    149. Det ser simpelthen SÃ… hammerhyggeligt ud, og gode fotos! Den havemur er bare VILDT flot! Den har kostet KASSEN, det lover jeg dig! 🙂

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    152. Can someone help me out? i am buying the SuperNova w/ Realtree APG camo in about 2 weeks, it will be a 12 ga. and prolly chaimbered in 3 1/2. I am just wondering how the recoil will be for me because i am pretty skinny, and also, i do alot of dove hunting which, for you guys that do, you kno it can require alot of repetition shooting, so what i am wondering is, does the pump on this gun move quick and clean? thanks!

    153. No, Mike, we know that both you and the fuzz are cowards.Enforcing the existing laws might or might not do something to combat crime. But to do that, the police would have to confront armed gangbangers. And they know that doing so is a losing proposition; the best outcome that could be hoped for is that a lot of cops end up dead.The same is true of warm, fuzzy Italy: explain to us why the various “honorable societies” (Cosa Nostra, ‘Ndrangheta, Camorra, etc.) haven’t been forceably disarmed and disbanded yet.

    154. Uma volta de vantagem sobre todos o adversários é um belo feito, ainda mais em Reims, muito maior e mais rápido que Albert Park. Mas ok, as Mercedes tiveram uns 200km a mais para realizar o feito do que as Brawn…

    155. Ååååååå den som kunne hatt ett sånt rom, ønsker meg ett sånt te jul eg. Megaflott :-)Ha en fortsatt fin uke!!Klem i fra Line

    156. Hola: Alquilé por temporada en Bariloche con una seña del 30% del valor total , resulta que no puedo viajar por encontrarme enfermo , me tienen que devolver algo de la seña ? Puedo arreglar otra fecha de alquiler mas adelante manteniendo la seña ?.Muchas graciasSaludos Atte.

    157. I love these simple, brown over-the-knee flats cause they suit my style, but adore all black highhills !!! I should think about buying one or two… 🙂

    158. Impressive article post on the blog, I share the same views. I wonder why this particular country totally does not think like me and additionally the web publication master

    159. Great subject and most provocative. Made me think. My conclusion is that, being a ‘pleaser’, I want to delight. First, I want to delight myself by coming up with something that sounds just right. And, I want someone to read it and say, ‘Man, I wish I had said that’ or ‘I never thought of it that way.’ Bingo!alex wilson´s last blog post ..Like? 0

    160.  » (..) Alors que se passera-t-il si YouTube offre à son tour des rencontres en direct ? (..)  »c’est tres simple, les match seront zoné, comme le fait déjà le desagreable Dailymotion sur certain contenu, ou certains channel Youtube sur d’autre… ou Hulu, ou M6, Tf1 et autres chaine qu’on ne peut regarder depuis l’étranger…

    161. Información…Valora en En los Estados Unidos se ha desatado una avalancha de prejuicios contra lo mexicano y latino, contra los tonos trigueños de piel. Una lucha del Norte para detener al Sur. Una lucha que con mandatos, leyes, comentarios e imá……

    162. TACK för att vi fick ett sista avsked.Tack Gitt för de fina orden.Kärleks- och styrkekramar till familjen.Ängeln Elisabeth vakar över oss alla.

    163. I know the feeling of being “busted”, too. I got one of those notices in the mail, and I knew right away what it was for–but I was indignant because I had been turning right on red, and that shouldn’t count for running a red light! I watched their traffic cam video, and sure enough, I had “rolled” through the stop. It’s amazing how we justify ourselves in being “close” to right! (Guess who comes to a complete stop now before turning right on red?!)

    164. What would the reader's of 'The Guardian Newspaper' have to say if the paper published a report concerning 'The Parallel Plight Of The Jewish Refugees From The Arab & Islamic World. The Jewish refugees from the Arab & Islamic world from 1948 till the 1970s outnumbered the Arab refugees from 'post-Palestine'by around 50%. And the real-estate grabbed from us was five times larger than Israel is today.

    165. Hi Leanne, These are lovely, hard to see, but, as you say, glass gets in the way. It brings back long forgotten memories of my mom taking me to see the store windows in downtown Indianapolis, IN at L.S. Ayers. It was one of the Christmas highlights. Congratulations on your many blog awards. You deserve every one.

    166. That is how I found your blog through the hoja santa post and I immediately purchased it and made a few dishes that I did not post but enjoyed to the fullest.Here in New York the weather has been freaky, but on the coming cold days this soup would warm up any heart.

    167. Sarah,I feel sad that I have another little class of kindergarten students moving up to first grade. I get so attached to them and get so excited about their progress…..sigh. I am happy they are prepared though. I think I might write a post on some free ways parents can keep their children interested in learning during the summer months.Your baby is sooooooooo precious!!!!!!!

    168. You've almost convinced me that I do want to go to a festival after all. It sounds pretty fun! I love seeing all your outfits too. I suppose it's not a proper British festival unless it rains…

    169. Pues si es screener, como que paso del tema. ¿Dónde queda eso de ‘yo screeners no veo’?XXXXXXDAunque si es un DVDRip, ya tardas en pasarme en el enlace, mamona!Nada, que no habrá crítica de Disaster movie, ni de Saw 5, por lo que veo, que el pase es sólo en Madrid.Bieeeeeeeen!Iván: no me vayas ahora de sibarita, que tú también te has tragado truñacos que pa qué.XXXXXD

    170. Rachel Carson was right when she penned, “One way to open your eyes is to ask yourself, ‘What if I had never seen this before? What if I knew I would never see it again?’ ” All of your art, in addition to these latest ones, are truly inspired…

    171. Renata comentou em 18 de agosto de 2011 às 20:18. Júlia , smp tive essa dúvida! depois que vc faz essas maquiagens maravilhosas , vc sai ou fica dentro de casa?? haha , deve ser mt ruim não sair pra mostrar isso tudoo !beijos!

    172. Mbak Anie,eBook bisnis kuliner mie ayam telah terkirim. Semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih telah berkunjung ke blog kami.Salam,Djoko Harmiawan

    173. You’re kidding, right? You cannot just walk away from this obligation. Believe me, the legalities are immense and you will regret the decision big time if you do it. There’s a but more to it than the lender merely foreclosing. Like I said, the ramifications are huge. And really, your next loan? If you can not pay the one you currently have, you should not be worried about the next one which you may never get anyway. Wake up!References : Was this answer helpful?

    174. Anonymous2009/01/19I’m not so sure this is such a great idea for those who may have any sort of security issues. While I enjoy Facebook, I don’t join too many groups that might compromise this. if it’s a simple add and wouldn’t change the original email format, then why not – you could possibly reach a larger audience. but don’t stop what’s currently working. 🙂

    175. Vaya, qué pena que no dieran con la puerta de acceso al lugar. Al menos espero que a través de mis fotos les transmita buenas sensaciones como las que tuvimos el amigo Flapy y yo.

    176. Barbara DiPaolo – I can’t believe you got Joelle to put down her book and Elise to stop talking; they don’t even look annoyed. You’re a magician Joslyn.

    177. Little elf has been dressing herself since the age of two and a half, though she still requests help with tights and buttons. She’s now 4. We gave up long ago, being satisfied with her willingness to wear clothes full stop. Because otherwise she won’t wear clothes. Any clothes. And that’s easily worse.

    178. Aussie dollar is doing better than the US and yet we still get slapped with a price tag that sits $80 higher than them. If they can sell it there for x amount and make profit why charge us extra? Because we love Nintendo more and would happily buy it regardless? Hmmm..

    179. It is possible to hear your ocean should you put this in your ear. She set the spend to your ex ear and also screamed. There had been a hermit crab inside and it pinched the girl ear. She by no means wants to go back! LoL I am aware this is completely off theme but I’d to notify someone!

    180. I think I have seen that, maybe at the little shop I go to once a year in Black River Falls, but that would still be more purple (which would also be VERY bipartisan).

    181. Today, I went to the beachfront with my kids. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She put the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is completely off topic but I had to tell someone!

    182. Love all the bags Paula the Etsy shop.Inky mojo will be back – will creep up on you when least expecting it, in the meantime we can enjoy lots more of your beautiful bags.Will pop back later (fingers crossed) for the candy draw.Ann BxxPS thanks for the comments about my sock(s) I like knitting, don't have to think too much and can watch TV at the same time – oops, dropped another stitch.

    183. ilahi dinleilahiler dinle ilahilersohbetchat sohbet odalarıislami chatdini sohbetislami sohbetilahi ilahi dinleislami sohbetislami chat dini sohbetislami chatdini sohbetislami sohbetilahi dinleilahi indirilahiler dinle

    184. Kochana! Ale super, że bajeczka Ci się spodobała Ślicznie wyglądasz.. nie chowaj twarzyczki, jest taka urocza! Skarbie.. mów mi po prostu Sofia, tak naprawdę jestem młodziutką osobą, nie tak dużo starszą od Ciebie Słodkich snów Oleńko!

    185. UGH????………is it just me, but it seems like it would be a little difficult to get set up and do without a spotter. I saw Jay Cutler do something similar with 2 bands tied to a flat bench while he was using a regular straight bar. I tried that and it felt great.Kevin…….looking great baby!!!RH………out!

    186. Hyvältä näyttää! Mua on alkanut kiinnosta korealaisten sushit eli kimbapit. Ne on enemmän vegepainotteisia, joten kala-allergikolle parempi vaihtoehto. Täytynee hankkia korealainen keittokirja.

    187. AMEN!I love that God had you write this today so I could be reminded that I must not let our circumstances steal my joy. WHEW! This week has been one heck of a doozie and I'm fighting to keep above it. I trust Him and my hope is only in Him! Thus my joy comes from Him not this place or life!I love you!!!XOXOXO

    188. A Lyons, il y a un très joli marché gourmand si mes souvenirs sont bons!!! puis Dieppe, une ville gourmande tout court ( J'y vais ce week end, chic, chic!!!! Merci Marie-ange de partager ces images au fil de ta villégiature.

    189. 1c2This article by Ari Shavit is worth reading “mothers are the only thing in the world that can defeat an army”.This is about the anguish, the confusion, the soul-searching, the search for meaning of three mothers who lost their sons in Israel’s first Lebanon war.

    190. I call them my Orbies. I have been seeing them for the past year fairly regularly. Sometimes at a distance of only 300 to 500 feet. I feel them, they know I am watching. The weird thing is when I see them its like they tap my shoulder, I turn and look right at them. I look for them every night. I am sort of obsessed. By the way, I love the accent. So damn sexy. I want a girl with an accent!!!!! Cheers.

    191. Jaså Turstens böcker utspelar sig i Göteborg, hur har jag missat det? Stockholm känner jag inte till särskilt bra men i Göteborg har jag ju faktiskt bott en tid, så det här författarskapet måste jag helt klart kolla upp lite bättre, tyckte det var så kul att läsa de sista delarna i Edwardsons serie då jag kände till staden!

    192. Tenté timidement au début (l'impression de se la péter ou d'imiter les rédactrices de mode) puis je porte telle une dame patronesse, blazer, manteau et même cardigan vintage de Vitos (une défunte marque) qui me vient de ma grand-mère et qu'elle portait sûrement de la sorte.Très sympa ta chemise en jean.

    193. dit :Devenez Super Affilié ! | Article I was recommended this web site by my cousin. I am not sure whether this post is written by him as no one else know such detailed about my problem. You are amazing! Thanks! your article about Devenez Super Affilié ! | ArticleBest Regards Agata

    194. Ho deciso: oggi faccio “outing” riguardo i miei ricordi patavini.Dovete solo dirmi da dove debbo cominciare:a)la Diocesib)i preti singolaric)la fucid)il giornale diocesanoe)altroIo, nel dubbio, comincio a comporre un memoriale generico partendo proprio da Don (anzi: Mons.)….STAY TUNED

    195. Sr. Albírio, é impressionante como existem pessoas que se contentam com migalhas e trabalham como bonecos de controle remoto, mesmo sendo empregados qualificados. Querem mudar, mas não conseguem. Conheço algumas que agem assim. Entregam o seu futuro nas mãos dos chefes. Será medo? Acomodação? Não sei como conseguem encarar os seus filhos depois um dia de trabalho. Acomodação mata sem você perceber.Parabéns pelo artigo e quero dizer gostei muito do seu blog.Atenciosamente, Márcia Amorim, de Campinas/São Paulo.

    196. Complètement hors fil : je fais ce soir garde-malade de ma très vieille maman et je regarde d’un oeil Thalassa au Maroc. Ca me fait rire qu’il y ait une marocaine qui dise la même chose que moi ! Elle râle parce que maintenant, pour un litre de lait, il y a un litre de plastique ….

    197. I’m completely bitter and angry about the whole thing.B.I. is split up.Nakaken and Fuma has to debut with a bunch of new kids on the block.Marius is only 11.The group name sucks.I only hope this is a temporary unit like NYC or Hey! Say! 7….

    198. Na klar ist True Focus zum Patent angemeldet, aber da wird es sicherlich auch andere Lösungen (mit dem gleichen Ergebnis) geben – die Industrie+Rechtsabteilungen sind da sehr einfallsreich Aber der (Multi) Touchscreen wird auch kommen, klare Sache. Grad beim schnellen Zoomen eines Bildes von Vorteil, wenn man ein großes und hochauflösendes Display hat.

    199. Hallo Torsten,Sehr gerrechtes unentschieden gegen die new England Revolution2:2 geil, haben die Herren Brettschneider und Fellhaber Deutsche wurzeln?…viel Glück das es langt mit dem KlassenerhaltGrußThomas, Stuttgart

    200. Chris – this is amazing! I can’t wait to work with you again – you have a great talent! Katie and Nick looked amazing and your video made all of their true colors come out! Thanks for your hard work!

    201. I must say I’d really like for the cam to have 1080p50 which is now possible with AVCHD. Well, I love it for travelling. Has quite a lot of CA fully zoomed in though.

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    205. I do believe all of the concepts you have introduced to your post. They are really convincing and can definitely work. Still, the posts are too quick for newbies. May you please prolong them a bit from next time? Thanks for the post.

    206. Det svar som författaren Willam Burroughs gav pÃ¥ frÃ¥gan om hur han mÃ¥dde är ganska bra: ”Worse than yesterday, better than tomorrow”.

    207. hahhaah Obur mu demek istedin sen bana Cok güzel bir yazı olmuş tekrar o geceye gittim geldim Başka etkinliklerde aynalar bulmak dileğiyle

    208. If Obama got the prize – a guy that fights wars in several countries at once, violates the humanitarian law daily, kills people with drones, keeps Guantanamo open – one could give the EU the prize as well.

    209. Mannn…this looks great!! now I'm dying to try it!!I totally agree, I heart food. I love your blog!! Wonderful post again!!!!

    210. It's sounds as though you have a slight case of Impostor Syndrome: I'm familiar with the condition. Fortunately, the Impostor takes frequent vacations, so you can get much done in his absence!

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    213. Salam bro,Sememangnya memasuki akademi fantasia tiada apa-apa manfaat pun.Hanya hiburan semata-mata.Dah tu digalakkan pula percampuran lelaki dan perempuan.VA:F [1.9.22_1171]please wait…VA:F [1.9.22_1171](from 0 votes)

    214. Felicidades a todos los ganadores, me alegro mucho por Julián Ortega, por la gente de Parodiario, y sobretodo por equinoXio, Lully no creas que te me escapas.Espero algún DIA estar en la lista. VICTOR, gracias por este delicioso articulo

    215. LM they took the listing down or it was a fake. I sell on ebay and have for years. I have had a listing canceled by ebay before because I used a picture that I shouldn’t have.Anyway, I have contacted the person who listed the item to see if he indeed listed it and why it has been removed.We’ll see if he answers

    216. It’s total street food! You’ll find it anywhere they have lots of street vendors selling food – plus it’s cheap in Korea! And yes the red bean is my fave! When are you going to Korea? I want to go next year also!!!

    217. ZA005 is probably doing some Boeing flight test but I don't know the nature of those tests. Boeing is doing some sort of work on position 2 & 4 in the 787 final assembly bay but not sure what. It might be just maintenance bit it's not something that's long term.

    218. Hei moa vennen…..SÃ¥ utrolig kuuul innpakning, har jeg aldri tenkt pÃ¥, men takk for godt tips…. Og herlig tenÃ¥ringssønn 😉 Men flink og kreativ mamma det skal du ha….Og nydelig innpakning p[ s[pa, kan tenke meg at den lukter nydelig…Ha en fantastisk snart helgklem victoria

    219. The red is very striking I really like it. I like how you explained how you organize your wardrobe that is really great. And kind of having a few outfits in your head for those days when your in a hurry is brilliant I will do this for sure when I get settled in my new home. My closet was always clean but not organized and it would take me forever to get dressed because I would end up putting something that did not fit or I remembered when I got it on it did not look good. Thanks for sharing those tips. And happy sewing!! Love Heather

    220. Sooooo cute!!!! I can’t wait to make a couple…a few…a dozen of these little houses. When I do, I’ll post them on my blog along with a link to you!Thanks so much for sharing your talent!

    221. I’ve had issues with most of the dating sites out there, but I always found Match to be better than some of the others. I’m not on any of them anymore, though.

    222. Hello WLP Team!Great project and I am happy to hear there will be a World Listening Day again in 2011. I think listening among noise reduction (the International Noise Awareness Day was on april 27th) is a very important issue in our modern urban world.One thing, though: The date is still stated as Sunday, July 17th in the top right corner of the sidebar of this website. It will be on July 18th, though?Listening forward to hearing some interesting sounds!Regards,C. Stiegler

    223. Merci Jean-Marc. Oui, ce serait intéressant d’avoir d’autres chiffres. Je vais chercher de mon côté. Dans la pratique auprès des clients, on a, effectivement, des taux d’ouverture de 20%, ce que les responsables de marketing accueillent positivement. U

    224. Hi Shane! Sorry, we dont have an outlet in Mindanao. But i have resellers there, you may contact them directly: Jenny (Davao City) cel#09326486568, Belle (CDO) cel#09178206310 & Lynneth (Butuan City) cel#09099970017. Thanks for your interest in our product!

    225. It seems to me that you still get the items even if you don’t click on them, you just don’t get the bonus. Also, if you don’t click on the last item in a collection, it won’t ask you if you want to turn it in, but if you go into the collections screen, it is there to redeem. Try it yourself, but I am sure that they are not lost!

    226. Bella questa idea della Levissima. Sì: altissima, purissima, levissima va pubblicizzata con inziative a tono. E capisco che valga la pena lasciare Viola per qualche giorno: il lavoro è lavoro, per tutte. Un abbraccio 🙂

    227. P.S. But just for the record, I agree with Neil that the glatt kosher people should have let it go since there were only six of them. But I lay most of the blame on the board for allowing the minority to intimidate them to the point of canceling the BBQ. Still, you gotta love NY–such a problem of diversity would never happen here in L.A.–you’re just not going to find buildings where the ultra-orthodox are mixing with any other groups.

    228. F*ckin’ remarkable things here. I’m very glad to see your article. Thanks a lot and i am looking forward to contact you. Will you kindly drop me a e-mail?

    229. “Con lei parlo della dell’evoluzione del rapporto, di quando, con il passare del tempo, gli uomini finiscano sempre col dare troppe cose per scontate, mentre noi donne vorremmo continuare a sentirci donne (oltre che compagne, mamme) sempre”.beh ci sono sempre le eccezioni !

    230. Please please please you have to fix the subscriptions page! It's no good as it is if you can only see a few of the newest videos! What is the point of being subscribed if you don't get the updates on peoples videos? Put it back to how it was PLEASE or I'm outta here for good. There are a lot of people upset at this, I'm not the only one.

    231. Could you still offer the old YouTube page for people who don't like the new one? The problem I have with the new one is a commonly have 30-40 subscriptions and I find it much much harder to navigate through it all in the new version. I don't like how I have to scroll down (normally all the way to the bottom of the page) after watching each video to x it out.

    232. Oct08 This is a good posting, I was wondering if I could use this write-up on my website, I will link it back to your website though. If this is a problem please let me know and I will take it down right away

    233. dear sir,I want to browsing internet on my windows PC via mobile – nokia C5- 03 but when i want to connect it in PC it shows error massage and asking for c5-03 driver so how can i get it. kindly send me all type driver which is required to connect internet in PC via mobile.Please help me on this metter.regardsKamlesh

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    235. qu’est ce la visite medical pourquoi un flacon d’urine et que me feront ils car je me suis faite arrete pour alcoolemie svp veuillez m’expliquer car ceci me pose bcp de question svpmerci bcp et dsl de vous derranger

    236. nolan doesn’t care about money hence the reason he is making batman 3? or he doesn’t care about money, yet he is producing another superhero blockbuster called superman? yup seems to me like he cares quite a bit about money. inception is not a masterpeice.

    237. Mario: veo que hiciste la tarea. En fin, cuando se te baje la calentura del socialismo propia de tu juventud, no me darás la razón, pero entenderás muchas cosas que te dijo un día un hombre de mediana edad.

    238. 大埔有富善街,粉嶺有聯和墟,上水有石湖墟,這些地方目前都算是情況尚好的,十年後卻不保證會否像曾是新市鎮的荃灣那般拆個七零八落,甚至像觀塘裕民坊…… ~_~村車真係買少見少,小學嗰陣我仲有同學日日搭村車由烏蛟騰來大埔返學,依家唔知仲有無呢支歌仔唱?至於home made涼茶,如學兄你所言,應該會剩下最簡單的幾種吧,以前我偶爾也會煲蜜棗雪梨水。「花茶化」亦是另一個可能的趨勢,像元肉紅棗茶之類的,放在茶壺用熱水泡就行,煲都唔駛煲。嘻,我係會怯,不過怯都係因為怕白撞。一條慣咗mission oriented嘅木獨佬,因公訪問還可以衝衝衝,平時又唔係買又要問,難免有點手足無措。或許是性格使然? ^^;

    239. Neat. YouTube user TheSlyestFox's band Beasts and Super Beasts is gonna be there, you should check them out while you're there Michele, they're awesome.

    240. Adam — June 7, 2012 at 10:17 pm When I first started boating with my dog (Zoe – an Australian Cattle Dog) I was very nervous because she was never exposed to deep water. I bought her a life vest which (she didn’t like to wear) but in the end it didn’t even matter….The first time we were at the dock with her, she jumped out of the car, ran to the dock and jumped in the water. Fortunately she swims like a fish! She loves the water!Thanks for sharing your stories in the book. I am enjoying reading it.

    241. Hey Kintanon – I edited your comment to include a link to your homework assignment. I like these homework assignments and I am going to try some of it out when I get back. I am not terribly self aware when I roll, and this would be a good way for me to check myself. I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to discover your blog! I tend to shy away from technique heavy blogs, but this has gems stashed away!

    242. September 21, 2009Come on down to San Diego and hike our trails. You are more than welcome here! Let me know if I can recommend any hikes.Enjoying your blog,Derek

    243. Lovely post & ever so informative. As usual, I need to spend more time learning the nuances of the camera…and also need to dust the cobwebs off the tripod. Thank you for making this huge effort!

    244. Once again, people judging rides by popularity, size, and location (*cough*Cedar Point*cough*) instead of the actual ride expeirience. I look forward to see what happens when the time comes for Mitch's Poll results to be released.

    245. Presently My hubby and i passed the early morning exploring the internet and have came upon your web page. My spouse and i halted at this point to research all the opinions and also some of the information that you have created. My hubby and i have to confess that My hubby and i have normally cherished perusing individual’s responses a lot more than the information.

    246. Pour une fois par contre je trouve ce dessin très partisan.Mais non, il est génial quand même. Quoi que c’est pas du réchauffé en quelque sorte ?

    247. It appears that you have put a good amount of effort into your blog and this world require more of these on the Internet these days. The both of us actually enjoyed your post. I do not have a great deal to say in reply, I just wanted to sign up to reply well done.I always learn something new from your post!

    248. Wow! nice character.Does she speak? or is a normal dog?Yes, dogs (and cats) with pedigree have long names. And i think many times they have even ridiculous names. kings haven’t so long names.

    249. Tja, immer wieder die Frage: Wenn man versucht, extreme Beiträge zu einem Diskurs durch Protest zu verhindern, ist das dann Teil dieses Diskurses (also legitim) oder zerstört man ihn damit (voll uncool)?

    250. i also purchased that diet solution program at:WeightLossAction.infoto lose weihght. After 5weeks i have lost an amazingand ahuge bonus. This is one of the best things i haveever donE!

    251. Hi Trish,I love all your dreamy blues today.the first and second photos and the last ones, are wonderful.They all are but those ones were my favourites.Many thanks for sharing.HugsCarolyn

    252. naturally like your web-site but you have to test the spelling on quite a few of your posts. A number of them are rife with spelling issues and I in finding it very troublesome to tell the reality however I will certainly come again again.

    253. that tennis is not just about 4 guys. It is about the player ranked No. 150 in the world who wishes to make a living at this sport. Maybe if tennis started playing these prima donnas by their ability to put seats in the stands, then maybe some of those who are clamouring for change and more money would shut up

    254. “Einstellungen” -> “Drahtlos & Netzwerke” -> “Tethering & mobiler Hotspot” -> “Mobiler WLAN-Hotspot” ggf. kannst du auch meine neue Firmware “Android 2.2 Froyo (CyanogenMod + X)” – – ausprobieren, lade gerade Version 9.3 hoch … Mfg Voku

    255. I( don’t warch American Idol so I don’t really care what she does.The lady that did in the governor should already have plenty of money. She charged enough. Disney is not the Disney I knew and loved.

    256. Amigos, tambien me gusta la música de Ocobamba. Leyendo un poco, me confunde los inicios de Ocobamba con la de Alborada. ¿leí mal o comparten integrantes?. Los entendidos en el tema pueden explicarme?Saludos pa todos. Escribanme a

    257. Hi Vikram,I have come across your website through Actually, I am a recent Mechanical Engineering graduate and I wanted to join Merchant Navy. But, I have one question in mind. Say, I leave merchant navy after becoming 3rd engineer or 2nd engineer, what is my market value and what are my further job prospects on land. Can you give some company/job examples that I could get if i leave as 3rd engineer or 2nd engineer. It would be really helpful if you could answer my questions. Thanks

    258. There is only one word to describe this and that is stunning! I love Game of Thrones too and I think you have captured it beautifully, love the colours, the way you have drawn the lady, the butterfly…..pretty much everything I would say! Oh to have lips and a waist like that……..Anne x

    259. Potrei sapere che differenza c’è tra la festa dell’ Ultimo Lunedì e il Sadistique, così posso regolarmi e decidere. Non essendo di Milano devo organizzarmi per venirci e ogni informazione mi può essere di utilità per decidere a quale festa venire

    260. Boa tarde ,Sou Consultora SAP/R3, e me interessei em trabalhar junto à Contax, gostaria de saber um endereço de email de RH para que eu possa enviar meu Currículum , desde já agradeço

    261. Donis Nejaugi? gi nieko. Truputį pagerintas akumas, truputį greitesnis, ir tipo truputį geresnÄ— kamera. KompasÄ… turÄ—sime, bet realiai tas pats senas iPhone, tik copy/paste su nauja OS pridÄ—tas. Jei atsinaujinsite savo senÄ…jį modelį, tai išvis nieko naujo be kompaso, tikriausiai, ir nerasite.Ar aš čia vienas įžvelgiu subjektyviÄ…, paniekinamÄ… nuomonÄ™, kuri jokiais bÅ«dais nÄ—ra objektyvi?

    262. Posted on December 14, 2012 at 7:28 amOutstanding post, I conceive blog owners should acquire a lot from this web site its rattling user friendly. So much superb information on here .

    263. ROFL!! That is the best MD present EVER!! Frame it for posterity. The traumatic expression on your face is itself reason enough.Before you explained what the photo was, I thought it was a picture of Earth. Maybe it functions as some kind of Rorschach test…? 😀

    264. excellent issues altogether, you just won a logo new reader. What would you recommend about your post that you made some days in the past? Any certain?

    265. Hello – I must say, I’m impressed with your site. I had no trouble navigating through all the tabs and information was very easy to access. I found what I wanted in no time at all. Pretty awesome. Would appreciate it if you add forums or something, it would be a perfect way for your clients to interact. Great job

    266. يـوسف عادل مجبَل الصانـع قال:Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/meflyn/public_html/wp-content/plugins/world-flags/includes/functions.php on line 53 and defined in /home/meflyn/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990 ابي حجز كويت القاهره كؤيت بتاريخ 10 ) 7

    267. / Have you ever thought about publishing an e-book orguest authoring on other blogs? I have a blog based on the same subjects you discuss and would love to have you share some stories/information.I know my audience would appreciate your work.If you are even remotely interested, feel free toshoot me an email.

    268. This is so awesome! I am only just waking up to the possibilities of a muffin tin. Brilliant. I do oatmeal for myself & the 3 kids on a regular basis, but I have to be honest – cooking oatmeal at 5:30 – 6:00 am? Sucks the big one. If I can freeze these babies I can use that time for getting some exercise! Yay! And let’s be honest, what kid prefers oatmeal to a nice hot egg mcmuffin. Thank you so much for this idea!!Twitter:

    269. Shaadoe, I think you should follow my advice and fuck off.Way to get people to listen to you Sam. I think you are just using the animal rights cause as an outlet for your personal frustrations. I see this a lot. It is pretty sad and I think you are emotionally using the plight of animals for your own personal selfish reasons. 

    270. This is pure bull, and the town needs to get a lawyer and get this mayre out along with the cop for what he did, he should know better, y;ll better beware of these groups out there that want to disarm America, and know why ther are and who runs them, follow there every movement, because they are u, jtJeff Todd for Sheriff, Lake County Florida, read where i stand on the issues on my My Space page, guns, arm yourself while u can, and never tell the cops u got um, because u don’t have to unless it is a pistol, even then???

    271. Thanks for responding to my link/question/chain blog! And yes, there is a certain « this is my world and you can’t reject me » feeling to blogging in which writers, artists and musicians (except for sting) can bask!

    272. Tyvärr så ser du ut som en förvirrad lillgubbe, du misslyckas totalt med din tolkning av preppystilen. Har du funderat på att ha kläder som sitter bra istället för tältliknande passform?

    273. Je pense que sur le plan du droit strict, ils ont raison. Mais appliquer le droit de cette manière est complètement inhumain. Combien de voyous des ghettos de la banlieue emmène-t-on au ski ou ailleurs au frais des communes? C’est absurde. Et les gens se gardent bien de mettre en balance ces 300 euros avec les dizaines ou centaines de millions d’euros dépensés par toutes les villes de France pour construire des mosquées.

    274. Use mileage as the guide. If the bike has under 10K miles even if it was never lubed it should be fine if you clean and lube it as soon as you get it. If the bike had 20K + then you want see if the seller has maintenance records and put the bike on the center stand and rock the rear tire back and forth with the motor off and bike in gear to assess the degree of wear (without dissembling and inspection).

    275. Hi AnnLove all your experiment many thanks , I would like to ask what size of eggs you use as when you just say 2 eggs hole or like here 2 egg whitethanks

    276. PS; they've seen my blog, many times, because I send them post all the time…Here in America we still have the 1st Amendment… You fascist scumbag!

    277. O deÄŸil de star tv yorumcuların ceketleri neydi öyle.Otel personeli gibi olmuÅŸlar. Stad çıkışında arabamı getir güzelim dememiÅŸtir biri umarım. Tüm otel personellerini tenzih ederim 🙂

    278. ,à´¤ാà´™്à´•à´³ുà´Ÿെ à´®ുà´´ുവന്‍ à´ªേà´°് à´Žà´¨ിà´•്à´•à´±ിà´¯ിà´²്à´² .à´Žà´™്à´•ിà´²ും à´Žà´¨്à´±െ à´®ുà´´ുവന്‍ നന്à´¦ിà´¯ും à´…à´±ിà´¯ിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ു .പരീà´•്à´·à´£ാà´°്‍à´¤്à´¥ം 18 à´•ുà´Ÿ്à´Ÿിà´•à´³ുà´Ÿെ data entry നടത്à´¤ി export à´šെà´¯്à´¤ു . Gnumeric ഉപയോà´—ിà´š്à´šു spreadsheet -à´²്‍ ആക്à´•ി .ഇനി à´Žà´¡ിà´±്à´±്‌ à´šെà´¯്‌à´¤ാà´²്‍ മതിയല്à´²ോ ?à´ˆ à´°ീà´¤ി à´…à´±ിà´¯ാà´¤ിà´°ുà´¨്നത്‌ à´•ൊà´£്à´Ÿ് à´•à´´ിà´ž്à´ž വര്‍à´·ം à´’à´°ുà´ªാà´Ÿ് à´¬ുà´¦്à´§ിà´®ുà´Ÿ്à´Ÿി .à´²ിനക്à´¸ിà´²്‍ ഇങ്ങനെ à´šെà´¯്à´¯ാà´¨്‍ പറ്à´±ും à´Žà´¨്നറിà´¯ുà´¨്നതിà´²്‍ സന്à´¤ോà´·à´®ുà´£്à´Ÿ് ..

    279. Olá , então é que é assim mês passado dia 09 era me dia fértil e eu e meu namorado a gente estava brincando e acabou entrando esperman em mim e as vezes sinto uns enjoos mais esse mês desceu pra mim normal , tem possibilidade de eu estar gravida??

    280. I’d rather prefer in the romantic genre (or may be in the Blues of Romance), since it has a very strong romantic flavor to it as well. I’m in the process of updating the various collections of mine (the Indian ISPs have started blocking several of the previously listed websites I have had) and will add this suitably somewhere down the line.

    281. Gente de perros me tienen que ayudar… como carajo se llama el tema punchi (lo tarareo) jeje pam pam pam pam pam pampampampammm pamm y asi sigue!!!!! tambien queda bien con tan tan tan tan tan tan tantantannn tan jejej sal2!!!

    282. Thanks for sharing superb informations. Your site is so cool. I am impressed by the details that youˇve on this site. It reveals how nicely you perceive this subject. Bookmarked this web page, will come back for more articles. You, my pal, ROCK! I found simply the info I already searched all over the place and simply couldn’t come across. What a perfect site.

    283. Of course our semitic mahouts can free themselves of "racism and xenophobia in Europe" at any moment…by leaving Europe. Yet under the baleful glare of the gentile they remain. Is it their tongues or feet that lie?

    284. >Dai Paolo lo sappiamo benissimo che il window preinstallato è praticamente regalato.Il tuo è evidentemente un animo generoso. Secondo quanto mi risulta (lo puoi vedere nella mia pagina dedicata al rimborso, linkata nell’articolo), il Windows preinstallato può costare anche 150 euro. Io, nel 1999, risparmiai centomila lire dell’epoca.Se per te questo è un regalo, allora ti chiedo cortesemente di rivolgere la tua prospera generosità nei miei confronti oppure, qualora me ne ritenessi indegno, verso un ente benefico di tuo gradimento piuttosto verso l’uomo più ricco del mondo.

    285. Hay institutos que en el proceso de matricula, los alumnos nuevos tienden a llenar una pequeña encuesta, donde se les preguntan el como y que lo hizo elegir su institucion; si fue en publicidad en TV, paraderos y carteles, correo (spam para mi gusto), etc. Con que fin se realizan estas encuestas? Si es tanta la inversion en marketing publicitario, donde se encuentran los entes reguladores de esta situacion?

    286. Fair enough too, I'm not implying you should have to worry about it, merely that it's consistent with liberty to recognise that it can and does matter to some that this state of affairs exists. You might not worry, Kiwiwit does. I see why, and support that worry, pleased that someone is noting these things. 🙂

    287. disini…bumi tanah air indonesia ga ada yang miskin….semua kaya raya,,buktinya semua orang bisa merokok tidak pandang usia anak-anak,remaja,dewasa bahkan manula…pepatah bilang LEBIH BAIK TIDAK MAKAN DARI PADA TIDAK MEROKOK….KATA ORANG sunda/???? karena rokok udah menjadi kebutuhan hidup bagi pecandu dan mungkin bisa sebagai kebutuhan sehari-hari.

    288. DOMANDE CON ARGOMENTO “LA PANCHINA”=======================================si cerca “la panchina” associata a :- … dove trovo il nirvana londra,- … della sofferenza (e anche la sofferenza della panchina). anche la parola “monastero” è associata alla sofferenza: “monastero della sofferenza”,- … per meditare,- … romanzata,- … serpente,- … ecclesiastiche,- … del cuore,- … che allenta le tensioni,- … aiuta a riflettere,- … della saggezza.ogni bene, osvaldo sudhammo

    289. 21 February 2010 at 2215yeah, the video is a lit­tle meh, but the videos they did for this album (out­side of “croc­o­dile”) were done in a sort-of one-shot improv style. i think they just wanted to throw some­thing out there to see what happened. Reply

    290. Does Kelly have tourettes, aspberger’s or any type of disability ? Seriously, i honestly have never seen someone behave that way that does’t have some sort of affliction. Does she actually function everyday without supervision.

    291. ChodziÅ‚o mu o to, że kierowca zrobiÅ‚ wykroczenie, w takiej sytuacji policja może? sie dojebać i znaleźć po ip użytkownika, i dać mu mandat za wykroczenie. A nie o to że nagrywaÅ‚ kierowca 🙂

    292. Dette er planen min ogsÃ¥! Venter bare pÃ¥ Ã¥ fÃ¥ gjort ferdig kjøkkenet, jeg mÃ¥ bl.a fÃ¥ kjøpt meg en hylle til Ã¥ ha pÃ¥ veggen der glassene kan stÃ¥ 🙂

    293. Ad Michal VodičkaJaké moje tvrzení? Tvrzení, je vyjádření přesvědčení, že něco je pravda. Já jsem pouze vyjádřil svoji osobní preferenci. Tvrdím snad o někom, že je hochštapler?

    294. By November 18, 2012 – 3:30 pmamazingly intriguing…Hi now to tell the facts there, You’ve done an incredible occupation. I’ll without doubt tasty such plus relating to be able to my percentage suggest every single child this colleagues. I’m confident will probably benefited produced by this website….

    295. Kedves Pocakos, annyiban szeretném kiigazítani a cikkedet, hogy az Il Manifesto nem kommunista újság. A középbal újságja volt, de mai hangvétele és vezetése inkább a jobbközép felé tendál.Györgyi Rómából.

    296. நீங்க்ள் ஐ.எஸ்.ஐ கு எப்ப்டிவேனா முஸ்லிம் ஆதரவு கொடுங்க! ஆனா உங்களால் இந்தமாதிரி வெளீபடையாக ஒரு எதிரி நாட்டு உளவு தீவிரவாத அமைப்புக்கு ஆதராவக பேச முடிவது இந்தியாவில் மட்டும்தான் முடியும் ! இந்தியா இதுபோல் எவ்வளவொ துரொகங்க்ளை பார்த்திருக்கிறது! உங்கள மாதிரி அறிவு ஜீவிகள் எங்கள மாதிரி ஆளுங்களுக்கு கண்னை அடிக்கடி திறந்து வைங்யுங்கன்னே திறந்து வையுங்க

    297. Go get AVG it’s free anti virus. And Spybot it’s free spyware/malware software. You do not need to replace your computer. Even if you do replace it, you need better software or the same thing will just happen again. And you might also want to consider using a browser other than internet explorer. Opera or Firefox are free and less vunrable to intrusion.

    298. Rebecca, I followed your link to your myspace page. Your voice is divine!!!!!! Thank you for sharing that w/ us!! Good luck on your upcoming performances…and the tuba was VERY cute! lol~Lana B.~ <<<—in very icy Chicago but FROM 2hrs North of Philly!!

    299. The Garbage Guy driving off leaving garbage strewn all over the street? You been visitin' my house Wednesday mornings? That's an every week occurance. Immediately followed by me cleaning up the mess and delivering it to the front walk and steps of city hall. Hizzonor Da Mare doesn't think it's half as funny as I do. We have "The Talk" every couple of weeks.Gerry N.

    300. on January 14, 2012 Dear Graphire:Thanks a lot for your prompt response and for the immediate actions to correct this mistake. I hope this site continues offering helpful information.Kidest regards,Angel Pazaran

    301. Challenge accepted– Is there some good libertarian (classically liberal) reading I can sink my teeth into? I am going to get the Federalist papers — I think I need to feed the beast (creative muse).

    302. Oh my goodness we saw that toy at Babies R Us this past weekend and I was equal parts amazed and horrified by it at the same time. The mouth on those things is out of control. It is so freaky and weird but don’t you know that those are ALWAYS the toys that kids gravitate to the most (i.e. Teletubbies). I can’t believe you posted about this, my DH and I were playing with that toy for 15 min and I think he seriously thought about buying it since it was half price (gee I wonder why!) but I refused. Ha! Love it!

    303. m-ati albit voi romanii cu pretentii de sua si olanda…cand va veti revenii cu muzica, cu hainele cu masinile ca noi nu traim in anglia si america ? daca te uiti la blocuri batem spre rusia nu spre europa…visam la europa dar noi traim in fundu europei…laso asa si bine le-a facut…ei aveau legea de partea lor si nu stiau sa lege 2 cuvinte

    304. Well these pictures of the royal have shocked me, i worked there for a few years up untill it closed, what a shame it ever did. Although the building is old, it had lots of old qualities.Where did the old furniture go to from the doctors rooms, and all the old pictures.What a lovely building it was.

    305. Ummm, DeWalt Tstak’s are already out. They are priced better than both Bosch and the Tough System. I have 3 of the Tough System and about 10 of the Tstak. Tstak is the cat’s meow!

    306. as novidades que estão aparecendo por aí para unhas e cutículas, a Oceane, além de lançar a Caneta Removedora de Esmalte, trouxe também a nova Caneta Hidratante para

    307. Somos parte de una Asociación Civil que brinda espacios deportivos para niños y jovenes de escasos recursos y en condiciones marginadas el proyecto se sustenta de donativos tenemos ya 3,000 niños actualmente realizando ejercicio con nosotros y necesitamos apoyos para que el proyecto siga adelante y evitemos vicios en nuestra niñez mexicana.

    308. Getting stronger: Doesn’t Madoka’s wish change each time? Become about more and more important things? If Madoka makes the right wish, then we get Homura’s victory scenario.That’s my guess.

    309. Jag kan känna skräcken och verkligen relatera till den. Bor ju i skåne och vi har rätt dåligt med björnar här! Beundrar dig som bor och lever så! Njuter så, när jag läser din blogg! Du har ett underbart sätt att skriva på! Ljus och kärlek <3

    310. Diyas are really beautiful, they are most beautiful part of Diwali..after long time here, I couldn't post any comments on any blog, I realized it when I couldn't post comment on my blog, sorted out, Happy diwali to u and ur family in have been tagged for 7 links challenge from my side, check on my blog

    311. An update on my earlier post. PFIKS (KHub developers) have stated that their position on KHub remains the same, i.e. they will continue to implement their agreed plans to deliver web conferencing facilities in KHub using DimDim. This will be achieved using the open source version of DimDim taken on a GPL license. This code is already downloaded and entitles PFIKS to host and integrate DimDim into KHub.So, the main issues appaers to be for personal accounts – which are no longer supported by the new owners.

    312. D Yeah. Joo, mää oon pieni sottasuu. Sorppa.Mut hyvä että maistu! Fancy lähettelee muute aina kerra viikossa semmosen “you might like this!” -emailin. Kantsii pistää pois jossei halua katella tavaroita, joita ei oo varaa ostaa/ei kehtaa.

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    318. want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.Powered by WP Greet Box WordPress PluginAngela spoke on Monday about an idea coalescing, rising figuratively from the flames of a weekend campfire. In that

    319. What’s up, all right brother there are certainly many blogging web pages, however I suggest you to use Google’s without charge blogging services.t00wiqp…

    320. One of the best ways to identify likely galleries is to select a (living, working) photographer with a style and process similar (but not too similar) to your own and see where they have been exhibited. It is also a good idea to tweak your standard presentation package to take into account a multi-media gallery’s priorities, which are subtly different from a photography-only gallery. Hope that helps!

    321. Joy. Yes indeed. Day after day, I am realizing, and feeling, this important (and nuanced) distinction – between happiness and joy. Happiness comes and goes, flashes in and out, but joy hangs on for the ride. It does. Thank you, Ellen, for these words.

    322. Ciao Luca.Senza impegno, realizzeresti un desktop commemorativo dedicato a Steve Jobs in un paio di risoluzioni per Mac?So che l'arte è ispirazione e non commissione (e so che devi lavorare), quindi solo se puoi e se ti va.Ho pensato che chiedertelo comunque non sarebbe costato nulla.Grazie.Ciao,dacty

    323. Derek, I am enjoying the read…. and appreciate the candor of the teaching…. You wrote “However, because of the fall of man, homosexuality is very normal”. Would it be more Scripturally appropriate to word that as “homosexuality seems very normal.” Just a thought reflecting on the Proverb that says “there is a way that seems right to a man…”

    324. 1.彭教授主張的是「即使只讀懂原著(或全譯本)的十分之一,往往收穫還是遠遠超過讀懂一整本的二手傳播」,這並不代表他主張「二手傳播價值不如原典」或者「與其看二手傳播不如看原典或全譯本」(讀原典比讀二手傳播更有效率),畢竟他自己都說了:「原著(或全譯本)比二手傳播更難讀懂」。(也許有人要拿21F說話,不過那裡我所謂的「價值」並不是指「吸收效率」)他整篇文章的論點並無矛盾,他一方面同意(某些)二手傳播適合引介初學者,一方面又提醒「原著的總體思想價值高,即使只讀懂一小部分,也很有幫助」、「不要以為二手傳播對某思想的描述就是該思想的全部」。2.我要表達的就是「『二手傳播』不是日常用語」且「『二手傳播』沒有通用定義」。面對沒有通用定義的語言,應該做的是根據上下文去詮釋作者的原意,而不是自以為是的理解。3.我相信我對「二手傳播」的解讀方式及對彭教授全文的理解比黃頌竹和Kris更合適:這樣的解讀使彭教授的論點沒有任何自相矛盾,而且有道理。

    325. Unfortunately we can count on Romney to dance around the topic, not directly confront Obama and to sing the praise of ” all of the above” when it comes to energy. Expect to her ex-senator Norm Coleman’s comment that he is in favor of fixing AGW but not at the cost of ruining the don’t take a stand on anything.

    326. n where he was comin from. wasnt nobody tryna premote shyt or cover they ass da nigga jus talkin 2 u stupid mafukkaz. da nigga bein real wit ya dumb asses but yall too fukkin dumb to comprehend….

    327. no problem – do you have any of the artwork for it? so you want more old school airbrush right?- do you want it glossed and polished or a sand finish? – let me know and i will work up a quote for you

    328. ka nice pagka shots sa imong mga flowers Vernz oi… gimingaw na jud ko dah sa akong nikon..btw: unsa gani na name anang violet nga murag UFO? nangutana naman ko ana didto pero nakalimot man ko waaaa..

    329. Love te Pinot Noir that we got at Martin”s in New orleans.We will be in Burgundy in late Oct. about 24 or 24.Wouldlove to visit your winery. let me know if it is possible,Thank you,Barbara

    330. Poți să dai niște exemple pentru cum frânează homosexualismul (apropo, cuvântul ăsta nu apare în dex) evoluția acestei societăți perfecte în care trăim ?

    331. C’est vraiment une performance historique, qui mérite d’être placée à côté de la course de Phidippidès, des grandes échapées des forçats de la route dans le Tour ou de la première ascension de l’Everest.Plus que jamais, ces deux mecs là ont mérité le « titre » de conquérants de, l’inutile peut-être, de l’impossible surtout!

    332. Blake played well. So did Blum. Koger held his own. Climie played very well. Chicago clogged the slot, packed the goal and didn’t allow any transition by the Admirals. Chicago just played better in the first period and that was the difference.

    333. I don't want Google to use POST to compensate for other developers' lack of knowledge and skill. Why not just write a short guide on how to make ajax content crawlable? Explain to them what graceful degradation is so that you can get away with just following "href". I put a great deal of effort to make my site crawlable AND user-friendly. Don't touch my forms please.

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    335. Ja det där sammanfattar mina tankar med. Tror detta kan ha varit en nitlott. Men som du skriver Hardy vet nog vad han gör!

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    337. I would want to read this series if it were actually one book and less Mary Sue. So. I don’t know, maybe they should turn it into an AWESOME movie or something.Also, I have to admit, a lot of them have pretty interesting names. « Renesmee » and « Edwob » = adorable. I think I love names too much.

    338. same.. went to Iggy Pop and The Stooges gig last week, and in the crowd people wearing the shirts and singing, and then a bunch of them saying “British bands are so cool, we love The Stooges we love you? Iggy!” *speechless* ._.

    339. Its comparable you interpret my mind! You appear to identify a lot in relation to this, like you wrote the book in it or impressive. I imagine that you could solve with a few pics to constrain the message home-grown a bit, on the contrary further than that, this is admirable blog. An outstanding recite. I will definitely be present back.

    340. es facinante ser participe de las creaciones de estos platos mostrar las sensaciones y hacer activar nuestros sentidos ,disfrutar la inmensidad y variedad del mundo.creo que son unicos , unicos placeres encontrados en nuestros sentidos … cosa alguna muestra mugaritzak excelencia y admiracion unica

    341. Es cierto que ahora las cremas ya no tienen esos dos componentes, pero en el caso de la de pieles atópicas los han sustituido por parabenos, de los que se sospecha también que pueden ser cancerígenos, aunque no está demostrado. Y esa es la que yo usaba, precisamente porque no tenía parabenos. Ahora tendré que cambiar.

    342. StaliniÅ›ci nie maja tu nic do rzeczy.Mamy tam do czynienia po prostu z grupÄ… ludzi kwestionujÄ…cych oficjalne ustalenia-u nas tez takich peÅ‚no na każdym kroku…..NapisaÅ‚em im to samo co w takich sytuacjach odpowiadam naszym-jeÅ›li uważasz , że masz dowody i argumenty potwierdzajÄ…ce twojÄ… racjÄ™, to doprowadź do jej oficjalnego uznania. I odesÅ‚aÅ‚em ich do zapisów wÅ‚asnej, rosyjskiej wikipedii – nich je zmieniÄ… w oparciu o posiadane argumenty, co ich cholernie wkurzyÅ‚o:)Zgadzam siÄ™ natomiast z nimi w jednym- eksploatujemy ten KatyÅ„ jak nawiedzeni….pzdr

    343. I am 24 years old, freshly completed a diploma course in clinical medicine from Egerton university and I would like to pursue a degree in medicine and surgery within kenya but since I was raised by a single mother, am currently unable to further my education due to financil constraints.Am kindly requesting for scholarship/sponsorship from any well wisher,kindly help to achieve my desired dream please.Thanks in advance

    344. Well, it’s been a few years since this blog post. The stock market seems to be constantly down, or at least fluctuating. I think borrowing against your retirement account is a pretty good idea these days.I can pay 18% variable rate interest on a modern day credit card, OR I can pay 5.25% interest on my retirement account, 1% of which goes to them, and 4.25% goes to me.Seems like a no-brainer, considering retirement accounts are constantly losing money. Would you rather lose money every month, or gain 3.25% interest (4.25% – the 1% fee you’re paying)?

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    346. Mr Condell, concise and pertinent, as ever. And I agree with everything you say. it is encouraging that people like you are around to articulate the evil that is being exacted upon the people of Europe, and for me, specifically my country, England. I wish it would end and we could resume our upward path of civilisation and prosperity. Only when the socialists and muslims in England have been not just defeated, but well and truly crushed, will that journey be able to continue. best wishes.

    347. Greetings! Quick question that’s entirely off topic. Do you know how to make your site mobile friendly? My blog looks weird when viewing from my apple iphone. I’m trying to find a theme or plugin that might be able to correct this problem. If you have any recommendations, please share. Thanks!

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    350. (have you ever wanted to write a retelling of a fairy tale or a cool twist on an old story?)Oh yes. The MC of my recently completed novel is a Cinderella dealing with post-traumatic stress while her happily ever after gets completely screwed up. Like you, I've found inspiration in so many places and conversations and people. It's just a matter of putting it on a page before it flitters away. Great post!

  5. Je vais bientôt être papa et j’aime tenter de nouvelles choses … alors pourquoi pas tenter les couches bio …
    J’avoue ne jamais m’être penché sur le sujet parce que j’en avais jamais entendu parlé.
    J’ai un sacré dégout du pipi/caca mais plusieurs personnes de mon entourage me disent « mais tu verra c’est le plus beau caca du monde, tu va le prendre en photo !! » heuuu … bref 🙂
    Donc les couches lavables … que néni …
    Par contre si les couches Bio peuvent éventuellement apporter un nano gain pour l’environnement pour un cout plus/moins/identique … bah finalement pourquoi pas !
    En tout cas félicitation pour votre blog qui m’aide à me préparer à certaines choses et surtout votre article sur l’accouchement qui nous a fait – ma copine et moi – exploser de rire et débattre sur nos ressentis/peurs.
    En espérant continuer à lire de nouvelles choses avant l’arrivée de mon/ma petit(e) progéniture …
    Excellente weekend

  6. Article très intéressant. Merci 🙂

    J’ajouterai que pour que la couche lavable soit plus écologique que la jetable cela dépend aussi de comment est générée l’énergie qu’on utilise pour laver (si on a besoin d’une sécheuse après ou pas). Or en France, énergie nucléaire donc écologique (enfin autre débat hein). Mais suivant le pays, ça peut varier.

    Pour le côté économique, ben ça dépend du prix de l’eau et de l’électricité. Chez nous (Allemagne du nord), vu le froid et l’humidité ambiante, la sécheuse est devenue indispensable (sinon faut avoir assez de vêtements, couches, autres pour tenir 5-7 jours le temps que ça soit moins humide). Chez nous l’électricité est méga cher comparée à mes souvenirs de France (ben oui y’a pas ou peu de nucléaire qui est bon marché). J’ai des amis qui se passe de sécheuse mais ils doivent avoir une pièce chauffée pour sécher le linge parce que sinon je sais pas comment c’est possible). Le balcon est une mauvaise idée en hiver, dixit une amie: mais mes jeans sont congelés ptdr, j’imagine pas les couches.

    Sinon le lavable c’était pas une option chez nous car déjà le linge normal on galère, et les bac à linge sale sont toujours pleins. Comme toi, si possible, j’achète des couches partiellement biodégradables, elles sont plus dures à trouver sur internet, c’est dommage je préfère me faire livrer que les porter. Nous avons remarqué une différence, la nuit, plus de fuite avec toutes les marques testées et quasiment jamais avec les pampers babydry. heureusement, pour notre porte monnaie les couches sont bien moins chères ici, 0.25 € la pampers babydry (voir moins si promotion) et 0.15 en moyenne la marque de supermarché, 0.18 la biodégradable. Vala. Du coup c’est biodegradable ou supermarché lambda la journée, et babydry de pampers la nuit. ET il semblerait que la fuite de nuit soit plus courante avec les garçons que les filles et a été observée par d’autres connaissances ou amis d’amis. Ben oui, conversation pationante que le choix des couches.

    Ce qui m’avait impréssionner: la bande jaune sur les pampers de la maternité. La bande devient progressivement bleue quand la couche se remplie. La bande st bleue = couche pleine à changer. Bon c’est pratique les deux premières semaine quand tu ne sais pas voir si la couche est plein et que bébé hurle et te pisse dessus dès que tu enlèves la couche. ptdr les inventions débiles quand même. A quand la couche qui t’envoie un sms pour t’avertir qu’elle pleine et si c’est un caca ou un pipi :p

  7. Pas mal tes articles, j’aime beaucoup ton style (je viens de me taper la moitié de ton site car je viens de le découvrir, cf notre conversation sur twitter). Je m’étais déjà fait la réflexion et je te rejoins assez sur le biodégradable, sauf que :
    – Toutes les marques que j’ai testé ont fuité, et je suis donc revenu aux pampers (même si ces tests ont été fait entre 0 et 6 mois et que maintenant, ça changerait tout !)
    – Le lavable n’est pas aussi polluant, cette étude a été dénoncé par d’autres études car elle prends en compte un lavage exclusif alors que les couches lavables sont lavés dans un packs de fringues la plupart du temps et donc dans le cadre d’une machine normale).

    Après, reste aussi une solution dont tu n’as pas parlé : la propreté 🙂 J’ai été propre à 16 mois. Ma fille a bientôt 3 ans et n’est pas propre. 20 mois nous séparent, 20 mois qui auraient pu aider la planète, sauver les oiseaux…. Bref, c pas faute d’avoir essayé (j’ai même fait un article sur mon lamentable échec), mais si les crèches (car en nounou ça passe mieux), s’y mettaient un peu plus, ça le ferait 🙂

    Au plaisir, cher confrère-papa

  8. Sinon ça serait bien de prendre un peu de recul par rapport aux études bidons et jeter un peu un œil aux conditions dans lesquelles elles ont été réalisées. Et pourquoi pas regarder par qui elles ont été financées.

    La fameuse étude, qui a fait du bruit parce que ça fait du bien de taper sur les gens qui essayent de faire les choses bien, ça déculpabilise… n’a pas pu être menée une seule seconde par des gens ayant utilisé des couches lavables ne serait-ce qu’une fois.

    – Elle prend en compte un stockage « trempage », alors que quiconque a essayé de laisser tremper des couches sales pendant plusieurs jours sait quel bouillon de culture dégueulasse ça représente… En plus ça fait mal au dos à trimballer, et n’apporte rien de plus qu’un stockage à sec avec 3 gouttes d’HE.
    – Elle fantasme que les couches sont lavées à 90°C alors que si t’as fait ça une fois, t’as flingué ton stock, bravo. Les CL sont lavées à 40°C dans l’usage normal, 60°C de temps en temps quand il faut décrasser (tous les mois je dirais)
    – Elle délire sur l’utilisation du sèche-linge alors que les tissus absorbants ne peuvent pas passer au sèche-linge. Et oui, les CL c’est séchage à l’air libre, et quand c’est à l’extérieur c’est encore mieux car ça blanchit au soleil (sinon elles deviennent un peu grises au fil des lavages).
    – On s’imagine qu’il faut une tonne de lessive alors que c’est l’inverse : la lessive encrasse les CL et gêne leur absorption. Il faut donc en mettre beaucoup moins que la dose recommandée.

    En tant qu’utilisatrice, je n’en fais pas la pub auprès de mes amis car oui, c’est un peu de temps passé. Mais quand on y pense, quel temps ? ça m’ajoute soit quelques couches dans mes machines quotidiennes… Soit une machine supplémentaire par semaine. Faut pas déconner, on est plus au temps de nos grands-mères où on faisait tout à la main, mettre dans la machine et appuyer sur le bouton c’est pas la fin du monde. Je ne suis pas maso, merci.

    Je comprends qu’on fasse le choix du confort. Car elles n’ont objectivement pas la même absorption que les couches jetables, c’est indéniable, il faut les changer toutes les 3 heures et être attentif si l’on veut éviter les fuites. Mais qu’on aille raconter que ça n’est pas écologique, non ça c’est au mieux de l’ignorance, au pire du mensonge qui joue bien le jeu des lobbys. Méfiez-vous…

    1. Bonjour,

      ce que vous dîtes est très intéressant et effectivement cette étude possède des problèmes de fonds.
      J’avoue en avoir profiter afin de servir mon propos final, celui de mettre l’emphase sur les couches jetables biodégradables.

      J’ai conscience que cette solution n’est pas forcément la meilleure, mais je sais que si l’on veut faire bouger les choses en terme d’écologie il faut avancer par petits pas. Changer des couches jetables classiques aux couches lavables ? C’est un cap énorme que très peu de parents font (à tors ou à raison, je ne saurais le dire) par peur du changement, et par manque d’informations.
      Alors que passer des couches jetables aux couches jetables biodégradables est un plus petit pas tout à fait réalisable et aux conséquences écologiques non négligeables.
      Ensuite, le pas sera plus facile à franchir pour les couches lavables.

      Merci de votre témoignage 🙂

  9. Bonjour, une amie m’a dit un truc qui m’a fait beaucoup douter. Je voudrais savoir ce que vous en pensez: Les déchets (et donc les couches biodégradables si on a pas de compost) sont brulés…donc pas le temps de se dégrader naturellement, donc quel intérêt?
    Ben là je me suis trouvée con…..

    1. Bonjour !
      Effectivement, si la couche est brûlée, le bénéfice peut paraître moindre, mais ce n’est pas tout à fait vrai.
      Je parle sous réserve de n’avoir strictement aucune connaissance scientifique sur ce point très précis, mais il me semble que brûler des matières biodégradables plutôt que des éléments chimiques issus de l’industrie pétrolière, ou couvert de produits potentiellement toxique est une meilleure chose.

      Par ailleurs, dans de nombreux endroits il existe encore des décharges à ciel ouvert ou des enfouissements pour lesquelles le biodégradable est alors très utile !

      Merci de vous poser des questions et de venir les poser ici 🙂

  10. alors moi, je suis venu voir ce qu’il en est, car j’ai un projet de station de compostage qui va traiter les déchets alimentaires des « gros » producteurs tels que lycées collèges, toutes restaurations collectives, grandes surfaces (pour leur rayon frais) et … EHPAD, Maisons de retraite et hôpitaux gériatriques, toutes spécialités qui vont croitre à peu près à la même vitesse que notre espérance de vie ….
    et un vieux (que je serai bientôt mais chui pô pressé !!) nous fait quand il est bien dépendant, dans les  » couches par jour à 0.5 pour les légères voire plus de 1.2kg pour les lourdes (celles du petit matin….) à ce train, c’est dans les 500 kg par vieux dépendant et par an que représente la couche en terme de déchets…
    Nous allons travailler cette question avec les établissements hébergeant des personnes agées dépendantes, mais il est évident qu’il va falloir très rapidement imposer au législateur la fabrication OBLIGATOIRE de COUCHES 100% COMPOSTABLES. C’est possible et sans doute pas plus cher que ce qui se fait actuellement … et puis quand les actuelles polluantes seront interdites, alors ce ne sera plus une question de comparaison de prix….
    à votre dispo pour vous présenter plus en détail notre projet … le premeir en France à cette échelle.

    1. Bonjour René, merci pour ce message très intéressant !

      Une question à chaud, là comme ça, je croyais qu’il n’était pas possible de composter des déchets organiques humains ?
      C’est finalement possible ?

      Je vous recontacterai pour que vous m’expliquiez votre projet, car effectivement, il m’intéresse !

  11. Pas complètement convaincu par votre article. Certes la couche lavable n’est pas LA solution. Mais si on pense à la couche jetable classique, on pense qu’au fait de la jeter. Impact sur l’évacuation, la destruction. Mais il faut penser aussi à la fabrication, à l’énergie fournie, à l’eau utilisée, aux matières première, au plastique ajouté pour emballer, au plastique que les parents utilisent dans leur poubelle anti odeur qui coûte rien mais dont les rechargent coûtent un bras. Je n’ai pas lu l’analyse anglaise (si je ne me trompe pas) que vous citer.
    J’ai acheté d’occasion les couches pour mes enfants… j’ai certes dû faire un décrassage comme le nomme les « spécialistes » et cela a utilisé de l’eau. Mais ainsi j’ai évité l’utilisation de nouveaux matériaux…
    Je connais des gens qui sont allés plus loin dans le raisonnement des couches lavables, en utilisant des habits en fin de vie plutôt que de les jeter.
    Enfin je peux dire que souvent les bébés en lavable portent moins longtemps des couches… ce n’est pas une généralité c’est sûr car des parents ajoutent des voiles polaires avec effet au sec. Comme je le disais la couche lavable n’est pas LA solution mais au moins ceux qui y pensent tentent de faire quelques choses et c’est déjà pas mal.
    On fait un mixte ici, je ne suis donc pas fermée aux jetables.
    J’ose rêver en me disant que la plupart des personnes qui se sont mises aux lavables ne font pas que ce geste pour la planète mais pensent plus loin en utilisant aussi des lingettes lavables, en achetant des habits d’occasion pour les bébés, achètent local le plus possible pour leur repas, tentent une douche tous les 2 jours quand cela est possible (selon le travail, cela n’est pas très compatible on est d’accord, ou selon les activités ou la température), bref, il y a tant de petites choses à faire, chacun à son échelle…
    Merci pour cet article

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Notice: La fonction WP_Scripts::localize a été appelée de façon incorrecte. Le paramètre $l10n doit être un tableau. Pour transmettre des données arbitraires aux scripts, utilisez plutôt la fonction wp_add_inline_script(). Veuillez lire Débogage dans WordPress (en) pour plus d’informations. (Ce message a été ajouté à la version 5.7.0.) in /home/monpapae/www/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5866

Notice: La fonction WP_Scripts::localize a été appelée de façon incorrecte. Le paramètre $l10n doit être un tableau. Pour transmettre des données arbitraires aux scripts, utilisez plutôt la fonction wp_add_inline_script(). Veuillez lire Débogage dans WordPress (en) pour plus d’informations. (Ce message a été ajouté à la version 5.7.0.) in /home/monpapae/www/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5866

Notice: La fonction WP_Scripts::localize a été appelée de façon incorrecte. Le paramètre $l10n doit être un tableau. Pour transmettre des données arbitraires aux scripts, utilisez plutôt la fonction wp_add_inline_script(). Veuillez lire Débogage dans WordPress (en) pour plus d’informations. (Ce message a été ajouté à la version 5.7.0.) in /home/monpapae/www/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5866

Notice: La fonction WP_Scripts::localize a été appelée de façon incorrecte. Le paramètre $l10n doit être un tableau. Pour transmettre des données arbitraires aux scripts, utilisez plutôt la fonction wp_add_inline_script(). Veuillez lire Débogage dans WordPress (en) pour plus d’informations. (Ce message a été ajouté à la version 5.7.0.) in /home/monpapae/www/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5866

Notice: La fonction WP_Scripts::localize a été appelée de façon incorrecte. Le paramètre $l10n doit être un tableau. Pour transmettre des données arbitraires aux scripts, utilisez plutôt la fonction wp_add_inline_script(). Veuillez lire Débogage dans WordPress (en) pour plus d’informations. (Ce message a été ajouté à la version 5.7.0.) in /home/monpapae/www/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5866